Think Again: Islamist Terrorism

By C. Christine Fair, Husain Haqqani

Posted January 30th 2006 
Pundits and politicians of all stripes are quick to offer their wisdom on what 
fuels Islamist terrorism. It just so happens that much of what they say is 
wrong. Poverty doesn’t produce terrorists, a solution to the Israel-Palestine 
problem isn’t a cure-all, and young Muslim men aren’t the most likely to turn 
to terror. If we are going to fight a war on terror, the least we can do is 
understand who we are fighting. 
Future terrorists? Most madrasas do not provide the skills that international 
terrorist groups look for in recruits. 
“Fixing the Israel-Palestinian Problem Will Make Terrorism Go Away”
Hardly. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is important, but it is by no means 
the only issue inspiring the ideology of global jihad. There are several 
pivotal conflicts around the world that animate militant Islamist ideology, 
from the Caucasus and the Balkans to the Southern Philippines and the 
intractable Kashmir conflict. Militant Islamists also see a connection between 
their local issues and global politics. To them, Muslims are victims in every 
conflict and the West is responsible for Muslim suffering and powerlessness.

That is to say nothing of the fact that the significance of each regional 
conflict varies from one jihadi group to the next. For Algerian jihadists, 
their war, provoked by the refusal of the pro-Western Algerian military to 
accept the results of elections won by Islamists in 1991, is as significant as 
Palestinian resistance to Israel. Pakistani and Kashmiri jihadists spew the 
greatest amount of venom in their publications against “Hindu India,” not 
Jewish Israel. Russia also sits high on a jihadist’s hit list, when the 
jihadist in question is Chechen.

Radical Islamists want nothing less than the restoration of Islamic sovereignty 
to all lands where Muslims were once ascendant, including Bulgaria, Cyprus, 
Ethiopia, Hungary, Sicily, Spain, and even parts of France. Yes, a resolution 
of the Palestinian issue would remove a key irritant in Western relations with 
the Muslim world. But these ambitions are unlikely to be satisfied by an 
Israeli-Palestinian settlement.

“Poverty, Unemployment, and Lack of Education Make Terrorists” 
Prove it. Poverty, unemployment, and lack of education are serious problems in 
some of the world’s most populous Muslim countries. There is, however, no 
evidence of a correlation between these social and economic ills and terrorism. 
Terrorists are not always poor and prosperity does not end terrorism. In fact, 
in the world’s 50 poorest countries, there is little terrorism. It is too soon 
to dismiss socio-economic conditions completely, but studies have generally 
found that terrorists tend not to be from societies’ most deprived groups. 
Instead, terrorists are generally well educated and unlikely to be poor. In 
India, for example, terrorism has occurred in one of the country’s most 
prosperous regions, Punjab, and its most egalitarian, Kashmir (where the 
poverty rate is less than 4 percent, compared with a national average of 26 
percent). The sub-continent’s poorest regions, such as North Bihar, have not 
produced any terrorist activity. In Arab countries such as Egypt and Saudi 
Arabia, as well as in North Africa, terrorists do not originate in the poorest 
and most neglected areas, but in some of the wealthiest regions and 

Terrorist groups, like other employers, impose standards of quality in their 
recruitment efforts. Research shows that terrorists tend to be of “higher 
quality”—more educated or accomplished in other jobs and pursuits. These 
individuals are more likely to turn to terrorism when the economy is weak and 
jobs are in short supply. When the economy is good, “high-quality” persons 
generally have access to lucrative jobs relative to their “low-quality” 
counterparts, and the cost of leaving a good job in order to participate in a 
terrorist movement is relatively high. That helps explain why engineers and 
other technical persons with a history of underemployment get involved in 
terrorism. They are both available and desired by terrorist organizations, 
particularly during periods of economic stagnation and downturn.

“Young, Unmarried Muslim Males Are the Most Likely to Become Terrorists”
No. It is de rigueur to suggest that young, unmarried, Muslim males are the 
most likely population to become terrorists or to support terrorism. But from 
the perspective of the global supply of terrorists, this claim is false. 
Consider the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka. They are the 
world’s single largest group of suicide bombers. Their cadres are not Muslim, 
but Hindu by religion and nearly 40 percent are female.

Even on the issue of support for terrorism, there is reason to be skeptical 
about the popular convention that young males are leading the pack. In a recent 
survey of 6,000 Muslims in 14 countries published in Studies in Conflict & 
Terrorism, females were more likely to support terrorism than were males. 
What’s more, married and unmarried persons are equally likely to support 
terrorism. Age matters less than one may think at first blush. In the same 
survey, some 47 percent of 62-year-olds surveyed were inclined to support 
terrorism. That percentage was only 10 points higher for 18-year-olds.

Other factors, such as perception of a threat to Islam and opinions about the 
role of religion in government, have a significantly greater impact on support 
for terrorism than age or gender. The bottom line? Ideology and beliefs matter 
more than social or economic status, age or gender. Focusing outreach and 
counterterrorism efforts on young, unmarried Muslim males will only overlook 
enormous sections of Muslim populations who support terrorists.

“Madrasas Are Terrorist Factories” 
That’s an exaggeration. Do madrasas (ultra-conservative religious schools) 
produce students who are less tolerant towards other religions, opposed to the 
rights of women, and more likely to support militant means for resolving 
disputes between Muslims and non-Muslims? Definitely. But this is not 
tantamount to training for terrorism. None of the 9/11 hijackers attended a 
madrasa. And there is no evidence that any of the terrorists involved in major 
international terror attacks during the last four years ever enrolled as 
regular students in a madrasa, though they may have passed through madrasas on 
the way to terrorist training camps.

Given their total lack of Western education, madrasa students are not 
particularly useful to any modern day employer, including terrorist groups. 
They cannot blend into a Western nation or mount sophisticated operations 
requiring technical expertise. They lack linguistic ability and competence in 
even basic forms of technology because such skills are not generally taught at 
madrasas. Some madrasa students do not even have basic mathematical skills, 
necessary for mounting even moderately sophisticated terrorist operations.

The media and policy community’s obsession with madrasas began with the 
Taliban’s rise to power in Afghanistan. Their rise and fall may have drawn 
international attention to the culture and curriculum of madrasas, but such 
schools are nothing new. Madrasas have existed throughout the Muslim world 
since the 12th century. Their core curriculum in South Asia, to take one 
example, has not changed since the 19th century. Nor are they widely popular. 
In Pakistan, for instance, less than 1 percent of all students enrolled in 
schools attend madrasas. Some suggest the number could be as low as 0.7 percent 
of all school going children.

Officials in the Arab world exaggerate the significance of madrasas possibly to 
deflect attention from the real problem: public school curriculums that inspire 
young men to jihad and focus on Muslim victimhood. Studies of public school 
curricula in Saudi Arabia, for example, confirm that incitement of hatred 
against the West, Jews, and non-Muslims is hardly limited to madrasas.

“People Support Terrorism Because They Are Poor and Lack Opportunity” 
Doubtful. Little work thus far has been done on the effect of socio-economic 
factors upon the demand for terrorism—the support that it enjoys among the 
people on whose behalf terrorists claim to operate. In other words, no one 
knows why some people support terrorism and others do not.

The survey of 14 Muslim countries found that respondents who reported having 
inadequate money for food were the least likely to support terrorism. By 
contrast, the study found that individuals with cell phones or computers (who 
are presumably more affluent) are more likely to support terrorism than those 
who do not own these items.

It is possible, of course, that addressing socio-economic concerns such as 
poverty and education in Muslim countries would decrease the support that 
terrorists enjoy there. It is also possible that support for terrorism might 
hinge more upon differences in economic status across time than upon the level 
of poverty at any given moment. Either way, it is too early to draw 
conclusions. Development agencies and advocates should collect more data on the 
support for terrorism among the poor.

“Perceived Threats to Islam Create Support for Terrorism” 
Absolutely. There is tremendous hesitance to admit that Muslim populations, on 
whose behalf terrorists claim to operate, have grievances or concerns that need 
to be addressed as a means to minimizing public support for terrorism. For 
some, this is the moral equivalent of negotiating with terrorism. This is 
unfortunate, because these grievances matter.

In some countries, including Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, and 
more than 70 percent of the population believes that Islam is under threat. 
Support for terrorism feeds on the belief that large segments of the Muslim 
world are victims of ongoing injustice. Some experts argue, with justification, 
that the perception of threats to Islam is deliberately cultivated by Islamist 
political groups and authoritarian Muslim governments to generate support for 
their agenda. But support for terrorism is unlikely to decline without 
addressing that perception, whether the perception is the product of propaganda 
or the result of legitimate political grievance.

“Disenchanted, Angry Muslims in Europe and North America Are Potential 
Terrorist Recruits” 
Increasingly. Muslims living in North America and Europe are attractive to 
international terrorist organizations because they already possess language 
skills, Western passports, and are at ease working and interacting in these 
countries. And terrorism is attractive to some within these diasporas.

The reasons for this phenomenon are numerous and varied. Many North American 
and European Muslims found Islam while spending time in prison. The “prislam” 
(prison Islam) phenomenon disquiets analysts on both sides of the Atlantic. 
Although there are just 2 million Muslims living in Britain—2.5 percent of the 
total population—more than 8 percent of Britain’s prisoners are Muslim. Prisons 
have proven to be a recruiting and training ground for a variety of criminal 
activities, including organized crime and terrorism. Moreover, radical Islamist 
teachers have long had access to Britain’s incarcerated Muslims.

Diasporas have long been a source of ethnonationalist extremism and activities. 
Something about the state of diasporas motivates people to understand their 
identities in new and sometimes disturbing ways. Examples of that abound: 
Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, India’s Mohandas Gandhi, and 
Pakistan’s Mohammad Ali Jinnah all began to reformulate national identities 
when they were abroad.

The freedom of speech and association allowed in Europe and North America 
enables radical Islamists to publish and organize without government 
intervention, a right they are denied in most Muslim countries. Western 
countries are going to have to try harder to understand why it is that some 
populations do not integrate into society and why it is that some engage in 
violence. Increasingly, people who are born and raised in one country, seek 
militant training in another, and carry out terrorist attacks in a third 
country on behalf of people they have likely never met. 

C. Christine Fair is a senior research associate at the United States Institute 
of Peace. Husain Haqqani is a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for 
International Peace and teaches international relations at Boston University.

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