Puluhan Walikota di AS Tolak Serangan Militer ke Iran 
Sumber : http://swaramuslim.com/berita/more.php?id=5535_0_12_0_M 
Sekitar 32 walikota dari kota-kota di Amerika Serikat membuat resolusi
isinya menolak invasi ke Iran. Resolusi dirilis seiring dengan makin 
menguatkan retorika yang dilontarkan para petinggi pemerintahan AS
opsi serangan militer ke fasilitas-fasilitas pengembangan nuklir Iran. 
Apakah pemerintah AS akan mendengarkan aspirasi dari para walikota ini? 
Resolusi menolak tindakan militer terhadap Iran dipelopori oleh walikota 
Burlington Vermont, Bob Kiss. "Selama ini, ketika perang Irak telah
bersih begitu banyak sumber-sumber keuangan kami dan memakan begitu
korban para tentara kami, saya harap Anda mau bergabung dengan saya 
menyuarakan tekad walikota dari seluruh negeri ini untuk menghentikan
terhadap Iran, sebelum perang itu dimulai," demikian seruan walikota Kiss 
pada seluruh walikota di berbagai negara bagian di AS. 
Hanya beberapa hari setelah Kiss menyebarkan seruannya itu, ia mendapat 
dukungan dari 32 walikota lainnya. Resolusi itu kemudian diberi tajuk 
"National Mayors Resolutions for Diplomacy with Iran" mendesak agar
perlawanan terhadap Iran dihentikan dan penolakan atas aksi militer
terhadap Iran. 
Dalam resolusi yang ditandatangani puluhan walikota itu disebutkan,
itu bukan berarti dukungan mereka terhadap Republik Islam Iran tapi harus 
dipahami bahwa jika AS melakukan serangan militer sepihak ke Iran,
itu akan kontra produktif dengan upaya mempromosikan kebebasan dan
ke Iran. 
Belajar dari invasi AS ke Irak, mayoritas masyarakat AS juga menolak 
serangan militer AS ke Iran. Dalam polling yang dilakukan belum lama ini, 
terlihat bahwa hanya sebagian kecil rakyat AS yang mendukung serangan ke 
Iran. (ln/alternet/eramuslim) 
Berita terkait : 
06/25/08 U.S. Mayors Mobilizing Against a War with Iran 
Source : 
Thanks to as many as 32 mayors from all across the nation, a resolution 
saying "No" to invading Iran has been introduced. The initiation for the 
effort came from Burlington, Vermont Mayor Bob Kiss. 
To read Karen Dolan's op-ed on the resolution, please click 

Please urge YOUR mayor to weigh in on the resolution!* 
Dear Fellow Mayors, 
As a member of the International Affairs Committee of the U.S.
Conference of 
Mayors, I am introducing the attached resolution concerning Iran at the 
upcoming annual meeting in Miami on June 20-24 and invite you to be a 
cosponsor. The resolution aims at avoiding another devastating war and
for the use of diplomacy and for Congressional authorization before
any use 
of force. 
In these times when the Iraq war has sapped so many of our financial 
resources and cost the lives of our brave soldiers, I hope you will
join me 
in voicing the determination of mayors across this country to stop a war 
with Iran before it begins. 
To cosponsor the resolution, please contact my assistant, Joe Reinart, at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or (802) 865-7275. 
Thank you for your support. 
Mayor Bob Kiss 
Burlington, Vermont 
Submitted to the U.S. Conference of Mayors by the Honorable Mayor Bob
of Burlington, VT for consideration at the Miami Meeting on June
20-24, 2008 
Resolution submitted by: 
The Honorable Bob Kiss 
Mayor of Burlington, VT 
The Honorable Ron Dellums 
Mayor of Oakland, CA 
The Honorable Bill Baarsma 
Mayor of Tacoma, WA 
The Honorable Marry Claire Higgins 
Mayor of Northampton, MA 
The Honorable James M. Baker 
Mayor of Wilmington, DE 
The Honorable Dave Norris 
Mayor of Charlottesville, VA 
The Honorable R.T. Rybak 
Mayor of Minneapolis, MN 
The Honorable Joy Cooper 
Mayor of Hallandale Beach, FL 
The Honorable Marty Blum 
Mayor of Santa Barbara, CA 
The Honorable Dan Coody 
Mayor of Fayetteville, AK 
The Honorable Kevin Foy 
Mayor of Chapel Hill, NC 
The Honorable Gayler McLaughlin 
Mayor of Richmond, CA 
The Honorable Kitty Piercy 
Mayor of Eugene, OR 
The Honorable Elaine Walker 
Mayor of Bowling Green, KY 
The Honorable Jeff Prang 
Mayor of West Hollywood, CA 
The Honorable Rhine McLin 
Mayor of Dayton, OH 
The Honorable Jennifer Hosterman 
Mayor of Pleasanton, CA 
The Honorable Laurel Lunt Prussing 
Mayor of Urbana, IL 
The Honorable Anthony B Santos 
Mayor of San Leandro, CA 
The Honorable J. Christian Bollwage 
Mayor of Elizabeth, NJ 
The Honorable Scott J. Brook 
Mayor of Coral Springs, FL 
The Honorable Bruce R. Williams 
Mayor of Tokoma Park, MD 
The Honorable William D. 'Bill' Euille 
Mayor of Alexandria, VA 
The Honorable Carolyn K. Peterson 
Mayor of Ithaca, NY 
The Honorable Craig Covey 
Mayor of Ferndale, MI 
The Honorable E. Denise Simmons 
Mayor of Cambridge, MA 
The Honorable N. Dale Thompson 
Mayor of Condon, OR 
The Honorable Sue Greenwald 
Mayor of Davis, CA 
The Honorable Tom Potter 
Mayor of Portland, OR 
The Honorable David Coss 
Mayor of Santa Fe, NM 
The Honorable Lois Frankel 
Mayor of West Palm Beach, FL 
WHEREAS, The President and members of his administration have alleged
Iran poses an imminent threat to the United States, U.S. troops in the 
Middle East and U.S. allies, and 
WHEREAS, these allegations are similar to the lead-up to the Iraq War and 
U.S. occupation, with the selective use of information and
accusations about Iran's nuclear program and its supply of weapons to
forces as centerpieces of a case to the American people for aggression 
against Iran, and 
WHEREAS, Iran has not threatened to attack the United States, and no 
compelling evidence has been presented to document that Iran poses a real 
and imminent threat to the security and safety of the United States that 
would justify an unprovoked unilateral pre-emptive military attack; and 
WHEREAS, we support the people of Iran who are struggling for freedom and 
democracy, and nothing herein should be misconstrued as support for the 
government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but it should be
understood that 
a unilateral, pre-emptive U.S. military attack on Iran could well prove 
counterproductive to the cause of promoting freedom and democracy
there; and 
WHEREAS, a 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), representing the 
consensus view all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies, concluded that Iran
its nuclear weapons program in 2003, and an earlier NIE concluded that 
Iran's involvement in Iraq "is not likely to be a major driver of
there, and 
WHEREAS, an attack on Iran is likely to cause untold thousands of
and Iranian casualties, lead to major economic dislocations, and threaten 
even greater destabilization in the Middle East, and 
WHEREAS, a pre-emptive U.S. military attack on Iran would violate 
international law and our commitments under the U.N. Charter and further 
isolate the U.S. from the rest of the world; and 
WHEREAS, an attack on Iran is likely to inflame hatred for the U.S. in
Middle East and elsewhere, inspire terrorism, and lessen the security of 
Americans, and 
WHEREAS, the Iraq war and occupation has already cost the lives of over 
4,000 American soldiers, the maiming and wounding of over 38,000 American 
soldiers, the death and maiming of over one million Iraqi civilians, and 
WHEREAS, the Iraq War and occupation has cost U.S. taxpayers more than
billion, depriving our cities of much-need funds for services and 
infrastructure, and 
WHEREAS, except at our peril, we cannot ignore the history of U.S. 
government mis-information used to inspire U.S. aggression in Vietnam and 
again in Iraq, as embodied in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and more 
recently in the what we know now as false claims of weapons of mass 
destruction, and 
WHEREAS, any conflict with Iran is likely to incur far greater costs and 
divert more precious national resources away from critical human
needs, now 
BE IT RESOLVED, that the undersigned Mayors hereby urge the Bush 
Administration to pursue diplomatic engagement with Iran on nuclear
and ending the violence in Iraq, and 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the undersigned Mayors urge Congress to 
prohibit the use of funds to carry out any military action against Iran 
without explicit Congressional authorization, and 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that suitable copies of the resolution be
to President George W. Bush and all members of Congress. 
Syamsuri Rifai

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