Ini berita cukup penting, tapi kurang bergaung di sini bahwa ada upaya 
masyarakat sipil internasional, termasuk parlemen 30 negara, untuk memprotes 



ALJAZEERA - What is in a word? Quite a lot actually

Freedom Flotilla story is one of the biggest demonstrations of collective 
international civil resistance, involving 50 nationalities, more than 30 
parliamentarians, yet it is ignored by many of the large international news 

By Jamal Elshayyal
May 28th, 2010

At a time when media and spin are arguably as powerful as armies, the outcomes 
of battles for hearts and minds often shape the world we live in. This is 
truest when it comes to the Palestinian struggle for liberation. As a 
journalist I'm aware of the simple nuances that can, and are, often used which 
ultimately affect the lives of millions of people. 

For example, a "war" can be described as a "conflict", or civilians "killed" in 
an air strike could also be referred to as civilians who "died" in an attack 
etc.Whoever said words were just words was lying.

>From Mark Regev, to Press TV, as spin doctors and media outlets decide how to 
>react and report on the Freedom Flotilla in the coming days, it's important 
>that one scrutinises their words (or lack of) in every way possible.For 
>starters, one must ask why such a big story is not being covered by many of 
>the large international news networks. 

Surely one of the biggest demonstrations of collective international civil 
resistance, involving 50 nationalities, more than 30 parliamentarians, and 
costing millions of dollars is news worthy.

This Flotilla directly affects the lives of 1.5 million Gazans who have been 
living under siege for over 3 years; in fact it also affects the lives of many 
Israelis too, as they struggle to cling onto a two faced fallacy of democratic 
colonisation. It baffles me how some news outlets think the European launch of 
Apple's i-Pad is more of a story.

When it comes to Arab media, the case is similar. In Egypt for example, there 
is little mention that were it not for Cairo's collaboration with Israel, the 
siege on Gaza would never have succeeded, and this Flotilla would probably not 
be necessary.

Instead, newspapers and talk shows alike, label the Flotilla organisers as 
disingenuous for refusing the benevolent offer by the Egyptian government to 
allow the ships through Alarish and into Gaza.And Egypt is not alone, even 
those in the Arab world who have commended the passengers on board the Flotilla 
in their attempt at breaking Israel's inhumane and illegal siege on Gaza, have 
failed to question why their governments have not done more.Why have a few 
hundred individuals taken it upon themselves to relieve a besieged people, 
whilst their "brother" nations with all their wealth and military might do 

In the coming days, as journalists and politicians alike ponder on what words 
to use (or not to use) let us not forget that beyond all this, 1.5 million 
people remain besieged.Un spin the spin and you will find that a territory 
ravaged by 23 days of Israeli bombardment remains crippled.

Read between the lines and you will see that this Flotilla is nothing more than 
a flame of hope, for people who possess little more than just that. Hope. Just 
a word.

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-----Original Message-----
From: Dwi Soegardi <>
Date: Sat, 29 May 2010 11:16:40 
To: <>
Subject: RE: [wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Christians under attack

Koresponden aljazeera di Indonesia adalah Step Vaessen. Di-google atau 
di-facebook aja mbak Step ini .....

-----Original Message-----
From: alfri <>
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Christians under attack


 alasan yang tidak masuk akal.
 al jazeera tidak mungkin menggunakan alasan waktu terbatas,
 alasan yg mungkin adalah 'salah dengar'.
 meski mungkin faktanya adalah disengaja.

 sama seperti siaran peristiwa 9/11 oleh CNN.
 yang dimunculkan adalah video orang2 palestina yang bergembira ria.
 padahal video tsb diambil lama sebelum peristiwa 9/11.
 alasan apa? memang itu kesengajaan provokasi.

 From: sunny <>
 Sent: Sat, May 29, 2010 5:41:37 PM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Christians under attack


 Mungkin waktunya terbatas untuk memberikan komentar.


 ----- Original Message -----
 From: Wikan Danar Sunindyo
 Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 12:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Indonesian Christians under attack

 Aljazeera yang aneh,
 komentarnya di-disabled

 "Adding comments has been disabled for this video."


 2010/5/29 sunny <>
 > Tulis komntar ke Aljazeera di Dubai, Qatar.

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