Sunni------------Wanita Muslimah yang dirahmati ALLAH swt

Ketahuilah sekiranya Ulama2 Islam Fundamentalis berkuasa
di tempat anda,kampung anda, di kota anda atau di Indonesia.
Maka mereka akan melarang wanita2 sebagai berikut ini;

---haram menyopir mobil
---haram berkonceng dgn speda motor
---haram merokok
---haram bersama sama laki2 di Bus
---haram bersahabat  atau bergandengan dgn laki2
---haram bekerja di fabrik2 bessama sama laki
---haram keluar rumah
---haram melihat TV, menonton Di bioskop

---laki2 haram menonton sepakbola,akan dibunuh seperti di Uganda.
---laki2 wajib berjabang dan berjenggot
---laki2 wajib berpoligami

Hukum2 potong tangan diperlakukan
hukum2 gantung, cambuk dan stoning akan diperlakukan

Mari kita cegah agar mereka tidak berkuasa di Indonesia

--- In, "sunny" <am...@...> wrote:
> Hamas bans women from smoking water pipes in cafes 
> The Associated Press, Gaza City, Gaza | Sun, 07/18/2010 9:32 PM | World 
> Gaza's Hamas rulers have banned women from smoking water pipes in cafes, 
> calling it a practice that destroys marriages and sullies the image of the 
> Palestinian people. 
> The ban marks the Islamist militant group's latest effort to impose their 
> harsh Muslim lifestyle in the seaside strip on an often resistant public. 
> While Muslim law does not technically ban women from smoking the traditional 
> tobacco-infused pipes, tradition frowns upon the habit. Hamas frequently 
> mixes its strict interpretation of Islamic law with conservative Gaza 
> tradition, and over the weekend, the two dovetailed to produce the smoking 
> ban. 
> "It is inappropriate for a woman to sit cross-legged and smoke in public. It 
> harms the image of our people," Ihab Ghussein, Hamas interior ministry 
> spokesman, said in a statement released Sunday. 
> "Many women who smoke in public were divorced when their husbands saw them, 
> or found out about them," said Hamas police spokesman, Ayman Batneiji, 
> without substantiating his claim. 
> The ban was handed down by plainclothes security officials who marched 
> through a strip of popular cafes by Gaza's seashore over the weekend, 
> ordering owners not to serve water pipes to female customers. 
> Confused owners initially thought the ban applied to both men and women, 
> killing most of their evening business. The Hamas government swiftly issued a 
> statement reassuring residents the ban only applied to women. 
> Smoking water pipes is a popular habit among both sexes in the impoverished 
> Gaza Strip. Although it is considered culturally inappropriate for women to 
> be seen smoking them in public, some middle-class ladies smoke the pipes 
> openly, often in mixed company. Even more conservative women can be seen 
> taking an occasional puff of their husbands' water pipes. 
> "This is silly," fumed Haya Ahmed, a 29-year-old accountant who said she has 
> smoked water pipes for 10 years. "We are not smoking in the streets but in 
> restaurants where only a few people can enter." 
> She predicted the ban would have the opposite effect of its intention and 
> make water pipes more tempting for rebellious young women. "Everything 
> forbidden becomes desirable. The decision will lead to more smokers," Ahmed 
> said. 
> Many Palestinians see the water pipe as inappropriate for women because of 
> its sexual innuendo, and because it looks crass for ladies to smoke, said 
> Palestinian anthropologist Ali Qleibo. 
> It is not clear how strict Hamas will be in enforcing the ban. 
> Many residents are deeply sensitive to any effort by Hamas to infringe on the 
> few forms of entertainment available to Gaza's 1.5 million people. For three 
> years, they have lived under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade that has penned 
> them into the tiny coastal territory. Many Gazans pile into beach cafes in 
> the evenings to puff on water pipes well into the early hours. 
> A cafe and restaurant union representative in Gaza, Ayman Abu Khair, 
> estimated the ban would cost cafe owners some 10 percent of their income. He 
> said owners were not warned before Hamas police barged into their 
> establishments Friday night issuing the verbal order. Abu Khair said the 
> union hoped to challenge the ruling. 
> The militant group has backed down in the past when it senses resistance to 
> its harsh rules. A ban on men working in female hair salons was never 
> enforced, and a demand that female lawyers cover their hair before they enter 
> courtrooms was quietly rescinded. 
> But Hamas has successfully banned women from riding motorbikes, arguing it 
> was culturally inappropriate. It also instructed teachers to pressure teenage 
> girls to cover up in long, loose robes and headscarves. Last year the group 
> cracked down on Gaza's tiny number of moonshiners and banned foreigners from 
> bringing alcohol into the blockaded territory. 
> For Ahmed, the ban has been a damper. "I smoked (in public) with my family 
> around," she said. "Now, I will smoke at home." 
> The ban marks the Islamist militant group's latest effort to impose their 
> harsh Muslim lifestyle in the seaside strip on an often resistant public. 
> While Muslim law does not technically ban women from smoking the traditional 
> tobacco-infused pipes, tradition frowns upon the habit. Hamas frequently 
> mixes its strict interpretation of Islamic law with conservative Gaza 
> tradition, and over the weekend, the two dovetailed to produce the smoking 
> ban. 
> "It is inappropriate for a woman to sit cross-legged and smoke in public. It 
> harms the image of our people," Ihab Ghussein, Hamas interior ministry 
> spokesman, said in a statement released Sunday. 
> "Many women who smoke in public were divorced when their husbands saw them, 
> or found out about them," said Hamas police spokesman, Ayman Batneiji, 
> without substantiating his claim. 
> The ban was handed down by plainclothes security officials who marched 
> through a strip of popular cafes by Gaza's seashore over the weekend, 
> ordering owners not to serve water pipes to female customers. 
> Confused owners initially thought the ban applied to both men and women, 
> killing most of their evening business. The Hamas government swiftly issued a 
> statement reassuring residents the ban only applied to women. 
> Smoking water pipes is a popular habit among both sexes in the impoverished 
> Gaza Strip. Although it is considered culturally inappropriate for women to 
> be seen smoking them in public, some middle-class ladies smoke the pipes 
> openly, often in mixed company. Even more conservative women can be seen 
> taking an occasional puff of their husbands' water pipes. 
> "This is silly," fumed Haya Ahmed, a 29-year-old accountant who said she has 
> smoked water pipes for 10 years. "We are not smoking in the streets but in 
> restaurants where only a few people can enter." 
> She predicted the ban would have the opposite effect of its intention and 
> make water pipes more tempting for rebellious young women. "Everything 
> forbidden becomes desirable. The decision will lead to more smokers," Ahmed 
> said. 
> Many Palestinians see the water pipe as inappropriate for women because of 
> its sexual innuendo, and because it looks crass for ladies to smoke, said 
> Palestinian anthropologist Ali Qleibo. 
> It is not clear how strict Hamas will be in enforcing the ban. 
> Many residents are deeply sensitive to any effort by Hamas to infringe on the 
> few forms of entertainment available to Gaza's 1.5 million people. For three 
> years, they have lived under an Israeli and Egyptian blockade that has penned 
> them into the tiny coastal territory. Many Gazans pile into beach cafes in 
> the evenings to puff on water pipes well into the early hours. 
> A cafe and restaurant union representative in Gaza, Ayman Abu Khair, 
> estimated the ban would cost cafe owners some 10 percent of their income. He 
> said owners were not warned before Hamas police barged into their 
> establishments Friday night issuing the verbal order. Abu Khair said the 
> union hoped to challenge the ruling. 
> The militant group has backed down in the past when it senses resistance to 
> its harsh rules. A ban on men working in female hair salons was never 
> enforced, and a demand that female lawyers cover their hair before they enter 
> courtrooms was quietly rescinded. 
> But Hamas has successfully banned women from riding motorbikes, arguing it 
> was culturally inappropriate. It also instructed teachers to pressure teenage 
> girls to cover up in long, loose robes and headscarves. Last year the group 
> cracked down on Gaza's tiny number of moonshiners and banned foreigners from 
> bringing alcohol into the blockaded territory. 
> For Ahmed, the ban has been a damper. "I smoked (in public) with my family 
> around," she said. "Now, I will smoke at home." 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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