I’m a new  user of wannier90.  I’m following examples25 in the tutorials to try 
and reproduce the same results for GeS. However, on the execution of step 5 of 
the tutorials, I encountered the following error.

Wannier90: Execution started on  01ct2019 at 23:15:11
Found a mismatch in GeS.eig
Wanted band  : 1 found band  : 9
Wanted kpoint: 2 found kpoint: 1

A common cause of this error is using the wrong
number of bands. Check your input files.
If your pseudopotentials have shallow core states remember
to account for these electrons.

param_read: mismatch in GeS.eig

I’ve tried to read through the already suggested solutions, but I’ve not been 
successful. Could someone help me resolve this error.
With regards.
K. . N Tolbert.
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