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> In a message dated 12/15/01 5:30:15 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> << Besides. I have heard that the national parks are starting to wear down in 
> some places. Too many visitors. >>
> ___________________________________________
> They are under stress, especially the most famous ones like Yellowstone, 
> Yosemite and the Grand Canyon, but it could be easily taken care of if 
> someone would have the gumption to do what was right ... like shut them down 
> for a year or two, or allow public transportation only within park limits, 
> things like that ... but they won't ...
> They'll protect the artic wilderness which 99.9999% of the population will 
> never see with their last breath, but they won't lift a finger to save whats 
> in our own backyard.
> LG

To close of the few parts of the nature allowed to the public? Is that wise as no 
other parts of the nature is private and a no, no? Tresspassing, you know which is 
exactelly the reason that so many people have to go to the parks in the first place.

If there was a lot of people in the wilderness it wouldn't be a wilderness. This is no 
reason to destroy it. This planet is not only for people but also for everything else 
living there. If man destroy all living and as a result only people excist on the 
surface we soon find that we will not be there either. Shortsighted gain usually end 
up as a loss in the longer perspective. Save what nature is left!

§( :8-)

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