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In a message dated 12/14/01 9:52:49 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

OK! We both know that both the alternatives can not work alone. The result of a totally free Capitalism as well as a totally free Socialism both ends in caos by themselves. I beleive in a reasonable balance between the two. I'm for both.

§( :8-)

I don't know. People having the nature to not do things for themselves if someone will do it for them, I think it would always be more and more socialism. What do you think? janice
It's in fact the other way around. I understand the the american media is not following the European politics, but:
No communism exist any more.
Social Demcrates (not socialists, that is a name only used by the right wing that don't like to remeber that we are all democrats) has succeded yo level out any thing about socializing. As you know it's the opposite. State companies are sold to the market here.
The former communists has adopted that the eastern communism was a dead end (that all the rest of us allready knew).
Why are you afraid that no one will work? Do you think that to be a valid worry? I think it's a myth that keeps the rightwingers in the flock, and nothing else.
Once, about 100 years ago or more, we had also a globalized world much like to day, however the communications were much slower. There were very few partys to contradict the right wing and the capitalism was runling alone. We all know what happened. Wars and communism as many people got into trouble as there was no economic safetynet in those days. Nothing is new under the sun.
The same complaining about the bums and the lazy was going on. It was their own fault that they had no work. It was their own fault that there showed up 100 applicants for every work. It does not take much thinking to understand that there was some logic here that didn't fit. It was not the workers fault that the companies went bust and they, themselves ended up on the street with wife and children. For some reason that never happend to the capitalists.
The workers unions started an organisation that could provide a small sum for some limited time. The idea spread and the state took up the idea and formed unemployment organisations run by the unions.
But we also know that this was done under a hard resistance from the rightwing parties. The reasons given by them were the same that you use to day. The history shows that those reasons were invalid. In some countrys in Europe they were slower to recognize that all people has their rights.War and communism came out of that.
What if the idea of the welfare state had been much more wellcome? Maybe the 20:th century had been a much more pieceful one instead becoming the most warfilled in history.
§( :8-)
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