----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Development list" <warzone-dev@gna.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Warzone-dev] wdgload utility

On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:28:51 -0500 Troman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you refering to the gate mod we did with Elric back in the
times? If yes it won't work without source changes unfortunately.
Gates would be very nice indeed and they do work well for human
players, but
it's difficult to make AI use it. Another difficulty is that as
far as I
remember Elric - author of the custom textures - prohibited using
any of his
work before leaving the team.

Yes, I guess that is the same one.  I didn't know Elric said that.
There wasn't any readme file or anything in the gates.zip file.  I
just wanted to see if it could be done. :)

I wonder if Elric still is that way?  Anyone got a e-mail address
for him we can ask?

Don't have his email addy anymore, maybe someone else does.

Anyway here's the source:
http://user.supradigital.org/troman/mods/ it's a bit messy, but
still better then the source extracted from wdg since it contains
directory structure and correct filenames.

Thanks! :D  This will be a big help!

BTW wrf files are not included into the final wdg file after
they only contain instructions for wz and makewdg utility, so it's
a bit
difficult to reverse engineer wdg files.


From looking at the source as is now, it should be just a matter of
telling the game to use these replacement wrf files instead of the
original files.
I do not see any code in the source files, so I wonder how they got
them to open/close with no source code changes?

Looks like I didn't put C Source into that archive when I created it, couldn't find it on my HD either, unfortunately.

From what I can recall there were mainly three additions:

1) new structure to hold gate "function" (defined in functions.txt)
2) pretty annoying wall alignment code (when you put a horizontal gate next to the vertical wall section it shall become a corner wall etc)
3) the in-game gate functionality (right-click menu, opening, closing etc)

I do not try original to see them work.  I  assume they work like
other games gates?

Yes, probably, maybe just more customizable.

There were two gate behaviour modifiers accessible through the gates right-click menu:

A 3-state-radio button with states: "Default state" (your own and ally units can pass; as soon as enemy unit approached gates it would close - power up the laser fence - not allowing anyone in or out), "Locked for all" and "Unlocked for all".

And second one is an option to allow/disallow allies to cross the gates (in case you didn't want ai units to camp inside your base for example).

On the downside there had to be two versions of the gate structure: a horizontal and a vertical one, which wasn't very optimal, but worked well for a MOD.

That's basically it.


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