
                 Summary: The AIV does not produce hovers
                 Project: Warzone Resurrection Project
            Submitted by: omikronman
            Submitted on: Mittwoch 13.08.2008 um 02:11
                Category: Engine: Scripting
                Severity: Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 2.1_beta4
        Operating System: Microsoft Windows
         Planned Release: None



The AIVolution does not produce hovers. Especially if it can not reach parts
of the map it needs access to (VTOLs were deactivated in that game), that was
a problem. It produces hundreds of units, but no hovers. It produced so many
useless units, that my Intel CoreDuo became really slow.


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