1.what is PIE_RAISE/PIE_HEIGHT_SCALED?is possible to get rid of them?cos I
want to pre-calculate the vertices and texture coords of each polygon and
cache them in a display list in IMDShape struct during imd loading,and these
2 are the only pie flags that modifies the geometric info directly on the
fly it seems.

2.how do you know whether a polygon has teamcolor 'frame' or animation
'frame'?since I have to skip caching those 'dynamic' texture coords info in
display lists.

3.does removing the normalize in pie_Polygon have any negative effects?I
commented them out a while ago and I couldnt notice any difference between
with and without them with shadows on(assuming they only get used when
shadows is on),and I have been told that there shouldnt be any major
problems without them as long as the polygons are not scaled
frequently.Thisalso saves a good chunk of overhead if they can be
removed safely.

4.does the glEnable(CULL_FACE) have any effects on culling the backfaced
polygons in wz?I tested with them removed and the terrain polygon counts are
exactly the same as with them(wz draws all backfaced terrain polygons with
or without them,in original code there was a clockwise/anti-clockwise test
to cull faces,but it no longer works in current version/revision(it culls
the wrong terrain triangles))

Thanks in advance.
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