On 11/1/06, Dennis Schridde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
MALLOC itself is a macro around some custom wrapper around malloc...
So perhaps we should also check if we (additionally to using this NEW wrapper)
could drop that MALLOC malloc wrapper...
(I don't really know what exact functionality MALLOC and FREE provide, besides
that FREE checks for NULL pointers, what is useless as free() is defined by
the C std to do nothing in that case.)

IIRC, Warzone uses its own malloc for its memory pool system. I had a
go at replacing it with standard malloc and ditch the memory pool
system a while ago, and it turned out to be non-trivial. Checking for
free of null pointers would be nice if they were reported as runtime
warnings or errors; although valgrind can do that, too.

 - Per

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