Branch: refs/heads/master

Commit: c617bfd26c898aca0a507eedddce47118bd32ec3
Author: buginator <>
Date:   2010-12-05 (Sun, 05 Dec 2010)

Changed paths:
  M build_tools/autorevision/autorevision.cpp

Log Message:
MSVC only change, using STLport to bypass the severe performance
hits with MSVC's STL code.

The change does *not* break MS's STL usage, so you can freely swap
between both of them.

When adding STL functions, it is best you use MS's STL for the extra
debugging code they throw in, it actually does catch some errors.
Once you don't need the extra debugging code, then I use STLport, since
MS's STL code can't disable all the checks, and it has a huge performance

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