Branch: refs/heads/master
  Commit: 73e7f2565fcef866a3120e7574c8e12d9badaf68
  Author: KJeff01 <>
  Date:   2017-10-03 (Tue, 03 Oct 2017)

  Changed paths:
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam1-1.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam1-2.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam1-3.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam1-4a.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam1-5.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam1a.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam1ca.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam2-8.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/cam3-b.js
    M data/base/script/campaign/libcampaign.js
    M data/base/wrf/cam1/sub1-4/labels.json
    M data/base/wrf/cam3/cam3b/labels.json

  Log Message:
  More campaign regression fixing.

-cam1-a: Allow the truck and MG droid templates to be enabled without the HQ.
-cam1-1: Use v1.10 victory: Force return to LZ.
-cam1-2: Bring back v1.10 victory condition -> Forced return to LZ.
-cam1-3: Commander group is aggressive just like in v1.10. Use v1.10 victory -> 
Forced to annihilate map of all enemies.
-cam1-ca: Player must build seven structures on plateau like in v1.10.
-cam1-4a: Emulate lost behavior where trucks build stuff right away and the 
base is detected farther south of the red objective blip. Use v1.10 victory: 
Forced return to LZ.
-cam1-5: Use v1.10 victory: Forced total annihilation.
-cam2-8: Swap extra victory callback for the away mission victory parameter 
-cam3-b: The westPhantomFactory label used the wrong coordinate. Make
factory groups attack instead of staying in base.
-libcampaign: Introduce two new optional victory parameters: retlz and 
annihilate. retlz forces the player to return to the LZ to win and annihilate 
forces the player to destroy all enemy owned droids/structures on map to win.

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