#4029: master wzscript list
 Reporter:  vexed   |             Owner:
     Type:  task    |            Status:  new
 Priority:  normal  |         Milestone:  unspecified
Component:  other   |           Version:  git/master
 Keywords:          |        Blocked By:
 Blocking:          |  Operating System:  All/Non-Specific
 bool    structHasModule(STRUCTURE *psStruct);
 static DROID_TEMPLATE *scrCheckTemplateExists(SDWORD player,
 bool scriptOperatorEquals(INTERP_VAL const &v1, INTERP_VAL const &v2)
 void scriptSetStartPos(int position, int x, int y)
 void scriptSetDerrickPos(int x, int y)
 bool scriptInit()
 bool scrScavengersActive()
 bool scrGetDifficulty()
 bool scrGetPlayer()
 bool scrGetDerrick()
 Vector2i getPlayerStartPosition(int player)
 bool scrSetSunPosition(void)
 bool scrSetSunIntensity(void)
 bool scrSafeDest(void)
 bool scrThreatAt(void)
 bool scrGetPlayerStartPosition(void)
 //check for a base object being in range of a point
 bool objectInRange(BASE_OBJECT *psList, SDWORD x, SDWORD y, SDWORD range)

 //Check for any player object being within a certain range of a position
 bool scrObjectInRange(void)

 //Check for a droid being within a certain range of a position
 bool scrDroidInRange(void)

 //Check for a struct being within a certain range of a position
 bool scrStructInRange(void)

 bool scrPlayerPower(void)

 //check for a base object being in an areastatic
 bool objectInArea(BASE_OBJECT *psList, SDWORD x1, SDWORD y1, SDWORD x2,

 //Check for any player object being within a certain area
 bool scrObjectInArea(void)

 //Check for a droid being within a certain area
 bool scrDroidInArea(void)

 //Check for a struct being within a certain Area of a position
 bool scrStructInArea(void)

 bool scrSeenStructInArea(void)

 //Check for a players structures but no walls being within a certain area
 bool scrStructButNoWallsInArea(void)

 //check for the number of base objects in an areastatic
 x2, SDWORD y2)

 //Count the number of player objects within a certain area
 bool scrNumObjectsInArea(void)

 //Count the number of player droids within a certain area
 bool scrNumDroidsInArea(void)

 //Count the number of player structures within a certain area
 bool scrNumStructsInArea(void)

 //Count the number of player structures but not walls within a certain
 bool scrNumStructsButNotWallsInArea(void)

 //Count the number of structures in an area of a certain type
 bool scrNumStructsByTypeInArea(void)

 //Check for a droid having seen a certain object
 bool scrDroidHasSeen(void)

 //Enable a component to be researched
 bool scrEnableComponent(void)

 //Make a component available
 bool scrMakeComponentAvailable(void)

 //Add a droid
 bool scrAddDroidToMissionList(void)

 //Add a droid
 bool scrAddDroid(void)

 //Add droid to transporter
 bool scrAddDroidToTransporter(void)
 //check for a building to have been destroyed
 bool scrBuildingDestroyed(void)

 //Enable a structure to be built
 bool scrEnableStructure(void)

 //Check if a structure can be built.
 //currently PC skirmish only.
 bool scrIsStructureAvailable(void)
 //make the droid with the matching id the currently selected droid
 bool scrSelectDroidByID(void)

 //Pop up a message box with a number value in it
 bool scrNumMB(void)

 //Do an approximation to a square root
 bool scrApproxRoot(void)

 //Add a reticule button to the interface
 bool scrAddReticuleButton(void)
 //Remove a reticule button from the interface
 bool scrRemoveReticuleButton(void)

 //add a message to the Intelligence Display
 bool scrAddMessage(void)

 //remove a message from the Intelligence Display
 bool scrRemoveMessage(void)
 /*builds a droid in the specified factory*/
 bool scrBuildDroid(void)

 //for a specified structure, set the assembly point droids go to when
 bool    scrSetAssemblyPoint(void)

 //test for structure is idle or not
 bool    scrStructureIdle(void)

 //sends a players droids to a location to attack
 bool    scrAttackLocation(void)
 //Destroy a feature
 bool scrDestroyFeature(void)

 //Init enum visible features. May use player==-1 to ignore visibility
 bool scrInitGetFeature(void)

 //get next visible feature of required type
 //notes:        can't rely on just using the feature list, since it may
 change//                        between calls, Use an index into list
 instead.//                        Doesn't return Features sharing a tile
 with a structure.//                      Skirmish Only, dunno if kev uses
 bool scrGetFeature(void)
 /* Faster implementation of scrGetFeature -  assumes no features are
 deleted between calls */
 bool scrGetFeatureB(void)
 //Add a feature
 bool scrAddFeature(void)
 //Add a structure
 bool scrAddStructure(void)
 //Destroy a structure
 bool scrDestroyStructure(void)

 //init enum visible structures.
 bool scrInitEnumStruct(void)

 bool scrEnumStruct(void)
 //init enum visible structures - takes bucket as additional parameter
 bool scrInitEnumStructB(void)
 //Similar to scrEnumStruct, but uses bucket
 bool scrEnumStructB(void)
 /*looks to see if a structure (specified by type) exists and is being
 bool scrStructureBeingBuilt(void)

 //multiplayer skirmish only for now.
 //returns true if a specific struct is complete. I know it's like the
 previous func,
 bool scrStructureComplete(void)
 /*looks to see if a structure (specified by type) exists and built*/
 bool scrStructureBuilt(void)
 /*centre the view on an object - can be droid/structure or feature */
 bool scrCentreView(void)
 /*centre the view on a position */
 bool scrCentreViewPos(void)

 bool scrEnumUnbuilt(void)
 bool scrIterateUnbuilt(void)

 //Get a pointer to a structure based on a stat - returns NULL if cannot
 find one
 bool scrGetStructure(void)

 //Get a pointer to a template based on a component stat - returns NULL if
 cannot find one
 bool scrGetTemplate(void)

 //Get a pointer to a droid based on a component stat - returns NULL if
 cannot find one
 bool scrGetDroid(void)

 //Sets all the scroll params for the map
 bool scrSetScrollParams(void)

 //Sets the scroll minX separately for the map
 bool scrSetScrollMinX(void)

 //Sets the scroll minY separately for the map
 bool scrSetScrollMinY(void)

 //Sets the scroll maxX separately for the map
 bool scrSetScrollMaxX(void)

 //Sets the scroll maxY separately for the map
 bool scrSetScrollMaxY(void)

 //Sets which sensor will be used as the default for a player
 bool scrSetDefaultSensor(void)

 //Sets which ECM will be used as the default for a player
 bool scrSetDefaultECM(void)

 //Sets which RepairUnit will be used as the default for a player
 bool scrSetDefaultRepair(void)

 //Sets the structure limits for a player
 bool scrSetStructureLimits(void)

 //multiplayer limit handler.
 bool scrApplyLimitSet(void)

 //plays a sound for the specified player - only plays the sound if the
 //specified player = selectedPlayer
 bool scrPlaySound(void)

 //plays a sound for the specified player - only plays the sound if the
 //specified player = selectedPlayer - saves position
 bool scrPlaySoundPos(void)
 /* add a text message to the top of the screen for the selected player*/
 bool scrShowConsoleText(void)
 /* add a text message to the top of the screen for the selected player*/
 bool scrAddConsoleText(void)
 /* add a text message to the top of the screen for the selected player -
 without clearing whats there*/
 bool scrTagConsoleText(void)

 bool    scrClearConsole(void)
 //demo functions for turning the power on
 bool scrTurnPowerOff(void)
 //demo functions for turning the power off
 bool scrTurnPowerOn(void)
 //flags when the tutorial is over so that console messages can be turned
 on again
 bool scrTutorialEnd(void)
 //function to play a full-screen video in the middle of the game for the
 selected player
 bool scrPlayVideo(void)
 //checks to see if there are any droids for the specified player
 bool scrAnyDroidsLeft(void)
 //function to call when the game is over, plays a message then does game
 over stuff.//
 bool scrGameOverMessage(void)
 //function to call when the game is over
 bool scrGameOver(void)

 bool scrAnyFactoriesLeft(void)
 //checks to see if there are any structures (except walls) for the
 specified player
 bool scrAnyStructButWallsLeft(void)
 //defines the background audio to play
 bool scrPlayBackgroundAudio(void)
 bool scrPlayIngameCDAudio(void)

 bool scrStopCDAudio(void)

 bool scrPauseCDAudio(void)

 bool scrResumeCDAudio(void)

 //set the retreat point for a player
 bool scrSetRetreatPoint(void)

 //set the retreat force level
 bool scrSetRetreatForce(void)

 //set the retreat leadership
 bool scrSetRetreatLeadership(void)

 //set the retreat point for a group
 bool scrSetGroupRetreatPoint(void)

 bool scrSetGroupRetreatForce(void)

 //set the retreat health level
 bool scrSetRetreatHealth(void)

 bool scrSetGroupRetreatHealth(void)

 //set the retreat leadership
 bool scrSetGroupRetreatLeadership(void)
 //start a Mission - the missionType is ignored now - gets it from the
 level data ***********
 bool scrStartMission(void)
 //set Snow (enable disable snow)
 bool scrSetSnow(void)
 //set Rain (enable disable Rain)
 bool scrSetRain(void)
 //set Background Fog (replace fade out with fog)
 bool scrSetBackgroundFog(void)
 //set Depth Fog (gradual fog from mid range to edge of world)
 bool scrSetDepthFog(void)
 //set Mission Fog colour, may be modified by weather effects
 bool scrSetFogColour(void)

 //test function to test variable references
 bool scrRefTest(void)

 //is player a human or computer player? (multiplayer only)
 bool scrIsHumanPlayer(void)

 //Set an alliance between two players
 bool scrCreateAlliance(void)

 //offer an alliance
 bool scrOfferAlliance(void)

 //Break an alliance between two players
 bool scrBreakAlliance(void)

 //Multiplayer relevant scriptfuncs
 //returns true if 2 or more players are in alliance.
 bool scrAllianceExists(void)
 bool scrAllianceExistsBetween(void)

 bool scrPlayerInAlliance(void)

 //returns true if a single alliance is dominant.
 bool scrDominatingAlliance(void)
 bool scrMyResponsibility(void)
 bool scrStructureBuiltInRange(void)

 //generate a random number
 bool scrRandom(void)

 //randomise the random number seed
 bool scrRandomiseSeed(void)
 //explicitly enables a research topic
 bool scrEnableResearch(void)
 //acts as if the research topic was completed - used to jump into the tree
 bool scrCompleteResearch(void)

 //This routine used to start just a reticule button flashing
 //  .. now it starts any button flashing (awaiting implmentation from
 widget library)
 bool scrFlashOn(void)

 //stop a generic button flashing
 bool scrFlashOff(void)
 //set the initial power level settings for a player
 bool scrSetPowerLevel(void)
 //add some power for a player
 bool scrAddPower(void)
 /*set the landing Zone position for the map - this is for player 0. Can be
 bool scrSetLandingZone(void)
 /*set the landing Zone position for the Limbo droids and adds the Limbo
 bool scrSetLimboLanding(void)
 //initialises all the no go areas
 bool scrInitAllNoGoAreas(void)
 //set a no go area for the map - landing zones for the enemy, or player 0
 bool scrSetNoGoArea(void)

 //set the zoom level for the radar
 bool scrSetRadarZoom(void)
 //set how long an offworld mission can last -1 = no limit
 bool scrSetMissionTime(void)
 //this returns how long is left for the current mission time is 1/100th
 sec - same units as passed in
 bool scrMissionTimeRemaining(void)
 //set the time delay for reinforcements for an offworld mission
 bool scrSetReinforcementTime(void)

 //Sets all structure limits for a player to a specified value
 bool scrSetAllStructureLimits(void)

 //clear all the console messages
 bool scrFlushConsoleMessages(void)

 //Establishes the distance between two points - uses an approximation
 bool scrDistanceTwoPts(void)

 //Returns whether two objects can see each other
 bool    scrLOSTwoBaseObjects(void)

 //Destroys all structures within a certain bounding area.
 bool    scrDestroyStructuresInArea(void)

 //Returns a value representing the threat from droids in a given area
 bool    scrThreatInArea(void)

 //returns the nearest gateway bottleneck to a specified point
 bool scrGetNearestGateway(void)

 bool    scrSetWaterTile(void)

 bool    scrSetRubbleTile(void)

 bool    scrSetCampaignNumber(void)

 //Tests whether a structure has a certain module for a player. Tests
 whether any structure
 //has this module if structure is null
 bool    scrTestStructureModule(void)

 bool    scrForceDamage(void)
 //Kills of a droid without spawning any explosion effects.

 bool    scrDestroyUnitsInArea(void)

 bool    scrRemoveDroid(void)
 bool    structHasModule(STRUCTURE *psStruct)

 //give player a template belonging to another.
 bool scrAddTemplate(void)

 //additional structure check
 bool structDoubleCheck(BASE_STATS *psStat, UDWORD xx, UDWORD yy, SDWORD
 static bool pickStructLocation(DROID *psDroid, int index, int *pX, int
 *pY, int player, int maxBlockingTiles)
 //pick a structure location(only used in skirmish game at 27Aug) ajl.
 bool scrPickStructLocation(void)
 //pick a structure location and check that we can build there (duh!)
 bool scrPickStructLocationC(void)
 //pick a structure location(only used in skirmish game at 27Aug) ajl.
 //Max number of blocking tiles is passed as parameter for this one
 bool scrPickStructLocationB(void)

 //Sets the transporter entry and exit points for the map
 bool scrSetTransporterExit(void)

 //Fly transporters in at start of map
 bool scrFlyTransporterIn(void)
 bool scrGetGameStatus(void)
 //get the colour number used by a player
 bool scrGetPlayerColour(void)
 //get the colour name of the player ("green", "black" etc)
 bool scrGetPlayerColourName(void)
 //set the colour number to use for a player
 bool scrSetPlayerColour(void)
 //set all droids in an area to belong to a different player - returns the
 number of droids changed
 bool scrTakeOverDroidsInArea(void)
 /*this takes over a single droid and passes a pointer back to the new
 bool scrTakeOverSingleDroid(void)
 //set all droids in an area of a certain experience level or less to
 belong to
 //a different player - returns the number of droids changed
 bool scrTakeOverDroidsInAreaExp(void)
 /*this takes over a single structure and passes a pointer back to the new
 bool scrTakeOverSingleStructure(void)
 //set all structures in an area to belong to a different player - returns
 the number of droids changed//will not work on factories for the
 bool scrTakeOverStructsInArea(void)
 //set Flag for defining what happens to the droids in a Transporter
 bool scrSetDroidsToSafetyFlag(void)
 //set Flag for defining whether the coded countDown is called
 bool scrSetPlayCountDown(void)
 //get the number of droids currently onthe map for a player
 bool scrGetDroidCount(void)
 //fire a weapon stat at an object
 bool scrFireWeaponAtObj(void)
 //fire a weapon stat at a location
 bool scrFireWeaponAtLoc(void)
 //set the number of kills for a droid
 bool scrSetDroidKills(void)
 //get the number of kills for a droid
 bool scrGetDroidKills(void)
 //reset the visibility for a player
 bool scrResetPlayerVisibility(void)
 //set the vtol return pos for a player
 bool scrSetVTOLReturnPos(void)
 //called via the script in a Limbo Expand level to set the level to plain
 ol' expand
 bool scrResetLimboMission(void)
 //skirmish only.
 bool scrIsVtol(void)
 //Fix the tutorial's template list(s).
 the tutorial!
 //In short, we want to design a ViperLtMGWheels, but it is already
 available to make, so we must delete it.
 bool scrTutorialTemplates(void)/
 //compare two strings (0 means they are different)
 bool scrStrcmp(void)
 /* Output a string to console */
 bool scrConsole(void)

 bool (int) ** see warning about conversion//turn on debug messages
 bool scrDbgMsgOn(void)
 bool scrMsg(void)
 bool scrDbg(void)
 bool scrDebugFile(void)
 /* Prepare the droid iteration */
 bool scrInitEnumDroids(void)
 /* Get next droid */
 bool scrEnumDroid(void)
 //Return the template factory is currently building
 bool scrFactoryGetTemplate(void)
 bool scrNumTemplatesInProduction(void)
 //Returns number of units based on a component a certain player has
 bool scrNumDroidsByComponent(void)
 bool scrGetStructureLimit(void)
 //Returns true if limit for the passed structurestat is reached, otherwise
 returns false
 bool scrStructureLimitReached(void)
 //How many structures of a given type a player has
 bool scrGetNumStructures(void)
 //Return player's unit limit
 bool scrGetUnitLimit(void)
 //Return minimum of 2 vals
 bool scrMin(void)
 //Return maximum of 2 vals
 bool scrMax(void)
 bool scrFMin(void)
 //Return maximum of 2 floats
 bool scrFMax(void)
 bool ThreatInRange(SDWORD player, SDWORD range, SDWORD rangeX, SDWORD
 rangeY, bool bVTOLs)
 //find unrevealed tile closest to pwLooker within the range of wRange
 bool scrFogTileInRange(void)
 bool scrMapRevealedInRange(void)
 /* Returns true if a certain map tile was revealed, ie fog of war was
 removed */
 bool scrMapTileVisible(void)
 //return number of reserach topics that are left to be researched//for a
 certain technology to become available
 bool scrNumResearchLeft(void)
 //check if any of the ally is researching this topic
 bool beingResearchedByAlly(SDWORD resIndex, SDWORD player)
 //true if player has completed this research
 bool scrResearchCompleted(void)
 //true if player has already started researching it
 bool scrResearchStarted(void)
 //returns true if location is dangerous
 bool scrThreatInRange(void)
 bool scrNumEnemyWeapObjInRange(void)
 /* Calculates the total cost of enemy weapon objects in a certain area */
 bool scrEnemyWeapObjCostInRange(void)
 /* Calculates the total cost of ally (+ looking player)
 bool scrFriendlyWeapObjCostInRange(void)
 static UDWORD costOrAmountInRange(SDWORD player, SDWORD lookingPlayer,
 SDWORD range, SDWORD rangeX, SDWORD rangeY, bool bVTOLs, bool justCount)
 UDWORD numPlayerWeapDroidsInRange(SDWORD player, SDWORD lookingPlayer,
 SDWORD range, SDWORD rangeX, SDWORD rangeY, bool bVTOLs)
 UDWORD playerWeapDroidsCostInRange(SDWORD player, SDWORD lookingPlayer,
 SDWORD range, SDWORD rangeX, SDWORD rangeY, bool bVTOLs)
 UDWORD numPlayerWeapStructsInRange(SDWORD player, SDWORD lookingPlayer,
 SDWORD range, SDWORD rangeX, SDWORD rangeY, bool bFinished)
 UDWORD playerWeapStructsCostInRange(SDWORD player, SDWORD lookingPlayer,
 SDWORD range, SDWORD rangeX, SDWORD rangeY, bool bFinished)
 bool scrNumEnemyWeapDroidsInRange(void)
 bool scrNumEnemyWeapStructsInRange(void)
 bool scrNumFriendlyWeapObjInRange(void)
 bool scrNumFriendlyWeapDroidsInRange(void)
 bool scrNumFriendlyWeapStructsInRange(void)
 bool scrNumPlayerWeapDroidsInRange(void)
 bool scrNumPlayerWeapStructsInRange(void)
 bool scrNumPlayerWeapObjInRange(void)
 bool scrNumEnemyObjInRange(void)
 UDWORD numEnemyObjInRange(SDWORD player, SDWORD range, SDWORD rangeX,
 SDWORD rangeY, bool bVTOLs, bool bFinished)
 /* Similar to structureBuiltInRange(), but also returns true if structure
 is not finished */
 bool scrNumStructsByStatInRange(void)
 bool scrNumStructsByStatInArea(void)
 bool scrNumStructsByTypeInRange(void)
 bool scrNumFeatByTypeInRange(void)
 //returns num of visible structures of a certain player in range (only
 visible ones)
 bool scrNumStructsButNotWallsInRangeVis(void)
 //Only returns structure if it is visible
 bool scrGetStructureVis(void)
 //returns num of visible structures of a certain player in range
 bool scrChooseValidLoc(void)
 //returns closest enemy object
 bool scrGetClosestEnemy(void)
 //How many droids can it still fit?
 bool scrTransporterCapacity(void)
 //is it?
 bool scrTransporterFlying(void)
 bool scrUnloadTransporter(void)
 //return true if droid is a member of any group
 bool scrHasGroup(void)
 /* Range is in world units! */
 bool scrObjWeaponMaxRange(void)
 bool scrObjHasWeapon(void)
 bool scrObjectHasIndirectWeapon(void)
 //returns closest droid by type
 bool scrGetClosestEnemyDroidByType(void)
 //returns closest structure by type
 bool scrGetClosestEnemyStructByType(void)
 //Approx point of intersection of a circle and a line with start loc being
 circle's center point
 bool scrCirclePerimPoint(void)
 //send my vision to AI
 bool scrGiftRadar(void)
 bool scrNumAllies(void)
 //num aa defenses in range
 bool scrNumAAinRange(void)
 //select droid
 bool scrSelectDroid(void)
 //select droid group
 bool scrSelectGroup(void)
 bool scrModulo(void)
 bool scrPlayerLoaded(void)
 /* Add a beacon (blip) */
 bool addBeaconBlip(SDWORD locX, SDWORD locY, SDWORD forPlayer, SDWORD
 sender, const char *textMsg)
 bool sendBeaconToPlayer(SDWORD locX, SDWORD locY, SDWORD forPlayer, SDWORD
 sender, const char *beaconMsg)
 //prepare viewdata for help blip
 VIEWDATA *CreateBeaconViewData(SDWORD sender, UDWORD LocX, UDWORD LocY)
 /* Looks through the players list of messages to find
 VIEW_BEACON (one per player!) pointer */MESSAGE *findBeaconMsg(UDWORD
 player, SDWORD sender)
 /* Add beacon (radar blip) */
 bool scrDropBeacon(void)
 /* Remove beacon from the map */
 bool scrRemoveBeacon(void)
 bool scrClosestDamagedGroupDroid(void)
 SDWORD getNumRepairedBy(DROID *psDroidToCheck, SDWORD player)
 /* Uses debug_console() for console debug output right now */
 bool scrMsgBox(void)
 //Check for a struct being within a certain range of a position (must be
 bool scrStructInRangeVis(void)
 //Check for a droid being within a certain range of a position (must be
 bool scrDroidInRangeVis(void)
 //check for a base object being in range of a point
 bool objectInRangeVis(BASE_OBJECT *psList, SDWORD x, SDWORD y, SDWORD
 range, SDWORD lookingPlayer)
 /* Go after a certain research */
 bool scrPursueResearch(void)
 bool scrGetStructureType(void)
 /* Get player name from index */
 bool scrGetPlayerName(void)
 /* Set player name */
 bool scrSetPlayerName(void)
 SDWORD getPlayerFromString(char *playerName)
 /* Checks if a particular bit is set in an integer */
 bool scrGetBit(void)
 /* Sets a particular bit in an integer */
 bool scrSetBit(void)
 /* Can we create and break alliances? */
 bool scrAlliancesLocked(void)
 bool scrASSERT(void)
 /* Visualize radius at position */
 bool scrShowRangeAtPos(void)
 bool scrToPow(void)
 /* Exponential function */
 bool scrExp(void)
 /* Square root */
 bool scrSqrt(void)
 /* Natural logarithm */
 bool scrLog(void)
 bool scrDebugMenu()
 bool scrSetDebugMenuEntry()
 /* Parse chat message and return number of commands that could be
 extracted */
 bool scrProcessChatMsg(void)
 /* Returns number of command arguments for a certain
 bool scrGetNumArgsInCmd(void)
 /* Returns a string representing a certain chat command,
 bool scrGetChatCmdDescription(void)
 /* Returns a certain parameter of a certain chat command
 bool scrGetChatCmdParam(void)
 /* Returns true if a certain command was addressed to a certain player */
 bool scrChatCmdIsPlayerAddressed(void)
 /* Modifies height of a tile */
 bool scrSetTileHeight(void)
 /* Returns structure which placed on provided coordinates.
 bool scrGetTileStructure(void)
 /* Outputs script call stack
 bool scrPrintCallStack(void)
 bool scrDebugModeEnabled(void)
 bool scrCalcDroidPower(void)
 bool scrGetDroidLevel(void)
 /* Assembles a template from components and returns it */
 bool scrAssembleWeaponTemplate(void)
 /* Checks if template already exists, returns it if yes */
 static DROID_TEMPLATE *scrCheckTemplateExists(SDWORD player,
 bool scrWeaponLongHitUpgrade(void)
 bool scrWeaponDamageUpgrade(void)
 bool scrWeaponFirePauseUpgrade(void)
 bool scrIsComponentAvailable(void)
 bool scrGetBodySize(void)
 bool scrGettext()
 bool scrGettext_noop()
 bool scrPgettext()
 bool scrPgettext_expr()
 bool scrPgettext_noop()

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/4029>
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The Warzone 2100 Project
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