Hi all,

I've just started using Watir. I'm developing in Linux, so I'm using
FireFox 3.5 for Ubuntu 9.10 with firewatir 1.6.5. My simple script
worked for 3 times and then started failing with this error.
Even this fails now:
b = FireWatir::Firefox.new
I still have FireFox open and it hasn't changed anything since the
first 3 runs succeeded.

Do you have any ideas what can go wrong?

Thank you,

JsshSocket::JSReferenceError:  getWindows is not defined
jssh_socket.rb:12:in `js_eval'
175:in `get_window_number'
132:in `initialize'
163:in `new'
163:in `start'
    ./watir_messagesend.rb:10:in `default_test'

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