
I am using the following code to go through my table and find a cell
with a text condition. The looping works fine; however i'm trying to
determine how i would then lookup an img an a link that are children
of the cell.

here is what i have so far..

t = ie.table(:index,  7)    # since we don't have ID's or names I have
to use the index
  for i in 1..t.row_count
    t[i].each do |cell|
      if cell.text == _userid.to_s
        puts cell.text
        # want to check for img src== condition for this cell and then
if true
        # want to click the link in the cell

Here is sample of my htlm

<TR align="left" bgColor="#e6e6e6">
  <TD id="cell" >
      <A href="userProfile.do?USER_EDIT=15293">smitha</A>
      <IMG height="16" src="/icon_enabled.gif" /></TD>
  <TD id="cell" vAlign="middle" align="center" width="105">Aimie Smith
  <TD id="cell" vAlign="middle" align="center" width="60"
bgColor="#e6e6e6">Full Time</TD>
<TR align="left" bgColor="#e6e6e6">
  <TD id="cell" >
      <A href="userProfile.do?USER_EDIT=15294">smithj</A>
      <IMG height="16" src="/icon_enabled.gif" /></TD>
  <TD id="cell" vAlign="middle" align="center" width="105">Joe Smith </
  <TD id="cell" vAlign="middle" align="center" width="60"
bgColor="#e6e6e6">Full Time</TD>

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