Hi Maumita,

I had problems with pages comming back as "loaded" even though were
still loading and so i changed the wait method slightly and it works
fine now.

def wait(last_url = nil)
      #puts "In wait function "
      isLoadingDocument = ""
      start = Time.now

      while isLoadingDocument != "0"
#       puts "WWWW #{BROWSER_VAR}=#{WINDOW_VAR}.getBrowser(); #
       isLoadingDocument = js_eval("#{BROWSER_VAR}=#
{WINDOW_VAR}.getBrowser(); #
#       isLoadingDocument = js_eval("#{BROWSER_VAR}=#
{WINDOW_VAR}.getBrowser(); #
#        puts "Is browser still loading page: #{isLoadingDocument}"
        #puts "Is browser still loading page: #{isLoadingDocument}"
        # Derek Berner 5/16/08
        # Raise an exception if the page fails to load
        if (Time.now - start) > 300
          raise "Page Load Timeout"
      # Derek Berner 5/16/08
      # If the redirect is to a download attachment that does not
reload this page, this
      # method will loop forever. Therefore, we need to ensure that if
this method is called
      # twice with the same URL, we simply accept that we're done.
      $jssh_socket.send("#{BROWSER_VAR}.contentDocument.URL;\n", 0)
      url = read_socket()

      if(url != last_url)
        # Check for Javascript redirect. As we are connected to
Firefox via JSSh. JSSh
        # doesn't detect any javascript redirects so check it here.
        # If page redirects to itself that this code will enter in
infinite loop.
        # So we currently don't wait for such a page.
        # wait variable in JSSh tells if we should wait more for the
page to get loaded
        # or continue. -1 means page is not redirected. Anyother
positive values means wait.
        jssh_command = "var wait = -1; var meta = null; meta = #
                                if(meta != null)
                                    var doc_url = #
                                    for(var i=0; i< meta.length;++i)
content = meta[i].content;
regex = new RegExp(\"^refresh$\", \"i\");
    var arrContent = content.split(';');
var redirect_url = null;
if(arrContent.length > 0)
        if(arrContent.length > 1)
                redirect_url = arrContent[1];

        if(redirect_url != null)
                regex = new RegExp(\"^.*\" + redirect_url + \"$\");
                        wait = arrContent[0];
        #puts "command in wait is : #{jssh_command}"
        jssh_command = jssh_command.gsub(/\n/, "")
        $jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command}; \n", 0)
        wait_time = read_socket();
        #puts "wait time is : #{wait_time}"
          wait_time = wait_time.to_i
          if(wait_time != -1)
            # Call wait again. In case there are multiple redirects.
            $jssh_socket.send("#{BROWSER_VAR} = #
{WINDOW_VAR}.getBrowser(); \n",0)
      return self

On 28 Mai, 14:36, Maumita <maumita.majum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Iam  new in  Watir. We are designing a web site through which user can
> buy items like we have in AMAZON.
> I have written a script to capture the landing page load response
> timing (see below)
> require 'watir' # watir controller
> include Watir
> require 'test/unit'
> #require 'watir/WindowHelper'
> class TC_TimeResponse < Test::Unit::TestCase
>      def test_TimeResponse
>         ie = Watir::IE.new
>         ie.goto("URL")
>         ie.text_field(:name, 'userName').set('')
>         ie.text_field(:name, 'password').set('')
>         ie.button(:value, 'Login').click
>         ie.maximize
>         ie.image(:src, /logo/).click
>         p 'ie.down_load_time_Home Page for 85:
> '+ie.down_load_time.to_s
>        end
> end
> This script works fine and it displayed the page load timing in
> console.
> Basically, the landing page contains information about 9 items along
> with their image of fixed size 79 * 79.
> I observed that sometime the script runs and displayed the result of
> page load timing but few of the images is still not loaded.
> My question:-
> 1. How I can verify whether all the images have been loaded or not?
> 2. Is there any other way to find out the actual page load timing
> including the images of the items.
> Please this is an urgent requirement for my project.
> Waiting for solution.
> Thanks
> Maumita
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