There are a number of frameworks that have been created that help to
try and group up related tests etc.

but one important question, when you say 'related' do you mean
'dependent'?, as in you need to run things in a specific order?
Generally I'd advise against that if at all possible since one error
can bring the entire regression suite to a crashing hault, and often
it's nicer for it to be ble to continue to run and report any other
issues with the system, instead of just getting a report on the first

With all that you've currently built up, moving to a framework is
going to perhaps be a fair bit of work, on the other hand it might
make a lot of your life easier down the road, so the longer the wait,
the more pain you suffer.

I myself like Cucumber, but that's because we've been moving our group
to start using BDD techniques, which is a specific way of doing your
'specs' that makes them executable.   Cucumber organizes these by
'feature' and you can run just a single 'feature' worth of things at
one time, or run all of them.

The way Cucumber works there's a plain language script (in just about
any language you want, english, spanish, lolcat ) that describes the
behavior.  This is written in the language of the business, so anyone
at your company ought to be able to understand them.  Each line on the
script matches to a 'step' via a regular expression match.  The step
contains the actual code that executes.  This allows for some parts of
the plain text to be variable and carry values into the step.  You can
also create "scenario outlines" while run several times, pulling data
from a table ala FIT

Here's an example of two of my tests:

Feature: As an administrator, I want to assign workflow to changes in

Scenario: Approval Workflows contains a Business Process labeled:
Change Supervisor
  Given I am logged into ESS as: worfinb
  When I go to the page: Workflow Administration
  Then I should see an approval workflow business process named:
Change Supervisor

Scenario Outline: Approval Workflow settings for Change Supervisor can
be set to Disabled, or Automatic
  Given I am logged into ESS as: worfinb
  And I go to the page: Workflow Administration
  And I have clicked the approval workflows Edit link for: Change
  And I have selected the <mode choice> radio button on the workflow
details screen
  When I click the: Save your changes link on the workflow details
  Then I see the Approval Type for Business Process: Change Supervisor
listed as: <mode displayed>
    | mode choice | mode displayed |
    | Disabled | Disabled |
    | Automatic | Automatic |

Here's an example of one of the steps that match up to those lines.

This is the last step, in the second script  which tests that the
proper setting is in place.

Then /^I see the Approval Type for Business Process: (.*) listed as:
(.*)$/ do |workflow_name, setting|
  wfname =
  workflow_admin_page.workflow_table.row(:text, wfname).cell(:index,
2).text.should  == setting

I should note that I'm using this with a framework which allows me to
define 'pages' and 'elements' on each page..

The big advantage of this method is that as you build up a collection
of steps, you write less and less code, and more and more re-use the
common steps to navigate around the product, control settings, provide
inputs, check results, etc.  It becomes a lot like a set of building
blocks, and all you have to do is configure how the blocks are
assembeled, creating a few new blocks now and then as needed.

For more on cucumber see

On Jun 21, 8:22 pm, dt_nz <> wrote:
> Hi, (Please note I have also posted this question on the Eclipse
> forum)
> We have a regression test suite that is written in ruby for web
> testing.  There are appropriately 1600 tests in 490 test cases which
> we are continuously adding to .  Each test case may be related to
> another test case in the suite.
> eg. (A simple example)
> - tests/trade_entry/TC_TradeEntryPowerCommodity - may have 5 tests
> that enters and deletes a power commodity trade type
> - tests/reports/TC_PostionReports - may have 3 tests that runs a
> report on several different trade types
> I was hoping that someone out there would know of a method or tool
> that would tag or relate to a particukar subject to make them easily
> identifiable
> eg. TC_PostionReports
> We may have tags for this test case as "Position Report" and "Trades
> types tested equities, power commodities" etc
> If my query is not clear please let me know.  Any help / ideas would
> be appreciated.
> Cheers

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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