Hey Guys,

Second post here, and unfortunately, is related to a topic that has
been discussed to no end. The security alert pop-up associated with
IE6 and certificated URL's. I have searched high and low and have
tried every possible solution I have come by but still to no prevail,
I still can’t click the yes on the security alert dialogue. Please
could you more savvy water guys take a look at my script and perhaps
point me in the right direction.

Bear in mind it is a mess as I have been trying to resolve the
security pop up issue I am having and at the same time this is just a
simple spike script as a proof of concept.

Many thanks with anticipation.



require 'watir'
require 'watir/ie'
require 'watir/contrib/enabled_popup'
require 'watir/WindowHelper'
require 'watir/winClicker'

  def push_security_alert_yes
        Watir.autoit.WinWait "Security Alert", ""
        Watir.autoit.Send "{TAB}"
        Watir.Send "{TAB}"
        Watir.Send "{SPACE}"

#def startClicker(browser, button_label, waitTime= 9, user_input=nil)
  # get a handle if one exists
  #hwnd = browser.enabled_popup(waitTime)
  #if(hwnd)  # yes there is a popup
    #w = WinClicker.new
      #w.setTextValueForFileNameField(hwnd, user_input.to_s)
    # I put this in to see the text being input it is not necessary to
    #sleep 3
    # "OK" or whatever the name on the button is
    #w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(hwnd, button_label.to_s)
    # this is just cleanup
    #w = nil

webserv_v4 = 'https://sensitiveurl.com'
rdm_sit = 'http://sensitiveurl.com'/'

#puts "Opening new browser"
#puts ""
#ie = Watir::IE.new
#ie = Watir::IE.new

puts "Step 1: point browser to the Web Server v4"  + webserv_v4
ie = Watir::IE.start_process(webserv_v4)

wc = WinClicker.new

#helper = WindowHelper.new

#        Watir.autoit.WinWait "Security Alert", ""
#        Watir.autoit.Send "{TAB}"
#        Watir.autoit.Send "{TAB}"
#        Watir.autoit.Send "{SPACE}"



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