Short version: new tabs in Chromeprevent old tabs from being used, fixing 
that means that opened tabs with PDFs in them get reused before a human can 
examine the PDFs.

Originally it worked like this:
1. open new Chrome window to main page of the app (tab #1)
2. [do process A and then] click the button and a new tab (tab #2) opens 
with PDF A in it.
3. Go back to tab #1 [do process B and then] click the button and a new tab 
(tab #3) opens with PDF B in it.
4. Go back to tab #1 [do process C and then] click the button and a new tab 
(tab #4) opens and Word document C document gets downloaded.
6. Go back to tab #1 [do process D and then] click the button and a new tab 
(tab #5) opens and Word document D document gets downloaded.

All tabs stay open and PDFs can be viewed.  Not perfect, but workable.

But then things changed. I pulled frequently used stuff out, put them in 
methods in another file so all of the various tests could use them, which 
seemed like a good idea. But that seems to have caused problems with losing 
focus on the original window. (I may be wrong) now I'm stuck with: 
1. open new Chrome window to main page of the app (tab #1)
2. [do process A and then] click the button and a new tab (tab #2) opens 
with PDF A in it.
3. Stay in tab #2 [do process B and then] click the button and a new tab 
(tab #3) opens with PDF B in it. PDF A is now lost
4. Stay in tab #3 [do process C and then] click the button and a new tab 
(tab #4) opens and Word document C document gets downloaded. PDF B is now 
6. Stay in tab #4 [do process D and then] click the button and a new tab 
(tab #5) opens and Word document D document gets downloaded.

This was caused by using ""
So I tried using ""
But that fails, because focus isn't going back to tab #1, and watir can't 
find the object in the modal that it needs to click. 
(in `assert_ok': Element is not clickable at point (737.5, -373) 

So far as I can tell, I would be fine if I could do any one of the following
1) get PDFs to download. I cannot. This 
 promising, but the code didn't work and I couldn't fix it. 
2) get watir to go back to the first page, "for realsies", and find the 
buttons it needs 
3) perhaps open a new tab for every section of the test (I'm going to look 
into this one, but I'm not overly hopeful)

Any ideas?
I updated Watir and Ruby both within the last two months. I'm using Chrome 
on OSX. Moving to Windows or IE are not viable options.

Here is a section of the code. No, I'm not a programmer first and foremost.

# print Inventory Report .PDF
b.goto currenturl
b.div(:id, 'page').a(:text, 'Inventory Report').click 
sleep 1
b.div(:id, 'printInventoryReportModal').a(:text, 'A4').click => "submitBTNprint-inventory-report").fire_event "onclick"
status = page_status(currenturl)  # these are the methods that I pulled out 
passtest = section_results(currenturl,b) # and put in a shared file

# print General List .PDF
b.goto [main page URL]
b.div(:id, 'page').a(:text, 'General List').click 
sleep 1
b.div(:id, 'printGeneralInventoryListModal').a(:text, 'A4').click => "submitBTNprint-general-list").fire_event "onclick"
status = page_status(currenturl) 
passtest = section_results(currenturl,b)

# print General List .DOC
b.goto [main page URL]
b.div(:id, 'page').a(:text, 'General List').click 
sleep 1
b.div(:id, 'printGeneralInventoryListModal').a(:text, '.DOC').click
b.div(:id, 'printGeneralInventoryListModal').a(:text, 'A4').click => "submitBTNprint-general-list").fire_event "onclick"
status = page_status(currenturl) 
passtest = section_results(currenturl,b)

# print Inventory Report .XLS
b.goto [main page URL]
b.div(:id, 'page').a(:text, 'Inventory Report').click 
sleep 1
b.div(:id, 'printInventoryReportModal').a(:text, 'A4').click
b.div(:id, 'printInventoryReportModal').a(:text, '.XLS').click => "submitBTNprint-inventory-report").fire_event "onclick"
status = page_status(currenturl) 
passtest = section_results(currenturl,b)

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