I think I found them back on the 1.5 branch, but the trunk based links
to the Examples folder given in the tutorial are no longer working.

I installed watir just before you bumped to 1.6  but have been busy
with other things at work and was just now starting on the tutorial.

Is someone slated to go through the tutorial examples and make sure
they work correctly with 1.6?   If not I suppose I could try doing
this, since I'm a totally fresh set of eyes that might be good, but
since I'm new to watir and ruby it might be a wee bit difficult for me
to differentiate between my own mistakes and errors due to changes in

I suppose I can set-up a different VM or snapshot tree and put 1.6 on
it, and then compare the results with the existing VM I've got 1.5
installed on..  (total Hyper-V addict here), which should allow me to
tell if the code works on one and not the other.
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