[wtr-general] Re: Watir 3.0.rc1 Released

2012-01-13 Thread Ivan Kabluchkov
Jarmo, thanks for your job :)

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir 3.0.rc1 Released

2012-01-13 Thread Dan Claudiu Pop

On Jan 13, 10:43 am, Ivan Kabluchkov ikabluch...@gmail.com wrote:
 Jarmo, thanks for your job :)

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir 3.0.rc1 Released

2012-01-13 Thread jw
So to be clear, the change to (for example) Button#text would not
affect a script that uses watir-webdriver, correct?  Is there any
noticeable change to watir-webdriver users?

Thanks for keeping people writing automation at their job instead of
testing manually!

On Jan 13, 1:32 am, Jarmo jarm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello everyone!

 I'm happy to announce that Watir isn't dead at all, since yet another
 version of Watir has been just released - 3.0.rc1.

 Its biggest goal is to conform even better with WatirSpec making it more
 compliant with Watir-WebDriver.

 * Button#text returns value if exists instead of text
 * Browser#goto prepends url automatically with http:// if scheme is missing
 * Browser#element(s)_by_(xpath/css) are now private methods - use
 #element(:css = ...) and #element(:xpath = ...) instead
 * Browser#label supports searching by :for attribute
 * Browser#options method for searching option elements
 * Browser#body, #thead, #tfoot, #tbody, #frameset and #fieldset added
 * Browser#window and Browser#windows added implementing window switching
 API (https://github.com/jarib/watirspec/blob/master/window_switching_spec.rb
 * Element#present? returns false if exception is thrown by #exists? or
 * Element#style returns CSS text instead of OLE object
 * Element#text returns an empty string for non-visible elements
 * Element#parent returns correct instance of Element class (e.g. Div
 instead of Element)
 * Element#focus focuses document before focusing on the element
 * Element#right_click and Element#double_click added
 * Element#to_subtype added which returns specific instance of
 Watir::Element subclass
 * Element#send_keys added
 * Element#eql? as an alias for Element#== added
 * Element#tag_name added
 * ElementCollection#[] method supports negative indexes like regular Arrays
 * ElementCollection#[] returns always an object, even if the index is out
 of bounds
 * FileField#set and Image#save uses correct Windows file path (e.g. convert
 \-es into /-es)
 * FileField#set raises Errno::ENOENT instead of WatirException if file
 doesn't exist
 * FileField#value= as an alias for FileField#set added
 * Font#color, #face and #size added
 * Form#submit triggers onSubmit event and doesn't submit the form if
 event's callback returns false
 * Frame#execute_script added
 * Image#file_size, #height and #width return integer instead of a string
 * Image#save blocking fixed
 * Meta#content and #http_equiv added
 * Option code rewritten, causing changes in its API
 * SelectList code rewritten, causing changes in its API
 * SelectList#(selected_)options returns now Options collection instead of
 an array of strings
 * Table and its subelements code rewritten, causing changes in its API
 * Table#strings and #hashes added
 * TextField#label added
 * searching elements will find only correct types - e.g. using Browser#div
 returns only DIV element even if all other provided selectors match
 * all selectors and tag of the element needs to match even if searching by
 * supporting html5 data-* attributes by using :data_* for locating and
 #data_* for retrieving attribute values
 * many other internal changes

 Please try it out before final release of 3.0 by executing:
 gem install watir --pre

 With Best Regards,
 Jarmo Pertman

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] tightness of coupling between watir and watir-webdriver?

2012-01-13 Thread jw
This question was spawned when Jarmo recently announced watir 3.0.  I
was trying to figure out if the changes he listed would affect my
watir-webdriver scripts, and after looking at some code I'm guessing

When I've installed watir-webdriver it seems watir is a prereq.  But I
noticed that (for example) Watir::Element is defined in both watir and
watir-webdriver.  The underlying object (the DOM element) in watir is
found using watir's native tools.  It looks like the underlying object
in watir-webdriver is found using selenium-webdriver.  So my question
is what does watir add (why is the gem necessary) if you are using
watir-webdriver?  I'm not looking for a long technical discussion,
just a quick conceptual how do they fit together kind of answer.
Thanks to anyone who can provide clarity...

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir 3.0.rc1 Released

2012-01-13 Thread Jarmo Pertman
Yes, there aren't any changes for watir-webdriver users, because that
is a completely different gem, but this version should make it quite
easy to run existing test scripts against Watir or Watir-WebDriver
gems because both of these gems are getting more compatible with each
other each day.


On Jan 13, 7:36 pm, jw joshuawal...@gmail.com wrote:
 So to be clear, the change to (for example) Button#text would not
 affect a script that uses watir-webdriver, correct?  Is there any
 noticeable change to watir-webdriver users?

 Thanks for keeping people writing automation at their job instead of
 testing manually!

 On Jan 13, 1:32 am, Jarmo jarm...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hello everyone!

  I'm happy to announce that Watir isn't dead at all, since yet another
  version of Watir has been just released - 3.0.rc1.

  Its biggest goal is to conform even better with WatirSpec making it more
  compliant with Watir-WebDriver.

  * Button#text returns value if exists instead of text
  * Browser#goto prepends url automatically with http:// if scheme is missing
  * Browser#element(s)_by_(xpath/css) are now private methods - use
  #element(:css = ...) and #element(:xpath = ...) instead
  * Browser#label supports searching by :for attribute
  * Browser#options method for searching option elements
  * Browser#body, #thead, #tfoot, #tbody, #frameset and #fieldset added
  * Browser#window and Browser#windows added implementing window switching
  API (https://github.com/jarib/watirspec/blob/master/window_switching_spec.rb
  * Element#present? returns false if exception is thrown by #exists? or
  * Element#style returns CSS text instead of OLE object
  * Element#text returns an empty string for non-visible elements
  * Element#parent returns correct instance of Element class (e.g. Div
  instead of Element)
  * Element#focus focuses document before focusing on the element
  * Element#right_click and Element#double_click added
  * Element#to_subtype added which returns specific instance of
  Watir::Element subclass
  * Element#send_keys added
  * Element#eql? as an alias for Element#== added
  * Element#tag_name added
  * ElementCollection#[] method supports negative indexes like regular Arrays
  * ElementCollection#[] returns always an object, even if the index is out
  of bounds
  * FileField#set and Image#save uses correct Windows file path (e.g. convert
  \-es into /-es)
  * FileField#set raises Errno::ENOENT instead of WatirException if file
  doesn't exist
  * FileField#value= as an alias for FileField#set added
  * Font#color, #face and #size added
  * Form#submit triggers onSubmit event and doesn't submit the form if
  event's callback returns false
  * Frame#execute_script added
  * Image#file_size, #height and #width return integer instead of a string
  * Image#save blocking fixed
  * Meta#content and #http_equiv added
  * Option code rewritten, causing changes in its API
  * SelectList code rewritten, causing changes in its API
  * SelectList#(selected_)options returns now Options collection instead of
  an array of strings
  * Table and its subelements code rewritten, causing changes in its API
  * Table#strings and #hashes added
  * TextField#label added
  * searching elements will find only correct types - e.g. using Browser#div
  returns only DIV element even if all other provided selectors match
  * all selectors and tag of the element needs to match even if searching by
  * supporting html5 data-* attributes by using :data_* for locating and
  #data_* for retrieving attribute values
  * many other internal changes

  Please try it out before final release of 3.0 by executing:
  gem install watir --pre

  With Best Regards,
  Jarmo Pertman

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] watirgrid and watir-webdriver-performance together?

2012-01-13 Thread Dan
Can watirgrid and watir-webdriver-performance be used together?  I've got 
something like the below going, but I get a NoMethodError.  All of the 
providers have up to date chrome and the performance gem installed.  Thanks 
for your help in advance.

 Watir::Grid.control(:controller_uri = 'druby://host') do |browser, id|
  threads  Thread.new do
  browser.goto @config[runSettings][url]
  puts Load Time for #{id}: 
#{browser.performance.summary[:response_time]/1000} seconds.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: New Rich text editor in our web app

2012-01-13 Thread Chuck van der Linden
I would only make a gem if you feel it would be of benefit to others

RUBYLIB  is a name for an environment variable that tells ruby what
directory to search when looking to find something you have a require
statement for in the script.  If you have your own utility library
that you are putting somewhere on the system, you just need to create
that environment variable on the system, and point it to that
directory and ruby should then find your stuff when you require it in
the script.

On Jan 12, 5:26 pm, Joe Fleck joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Chuck,

 The file and scripts are stored on github for our team to use.  I have
 pulled(clone) then down on to the windows VM.  If I make changes to
 that class and files I need to push them back up to github for the qa

 I still about 3 to 4 months new to Watir and Ruby so I haven't done a
 RUBYLIB.  I wonder if creating a gem with these would be a better

 What would I need to do for both?

 On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 5:31 PM, Chuck van der Linden sqa...@gmail.com 

  Meh just realised you gave me what I needed,,  Ignore the other

  Where is common/helpermethods installed?   is that your own utility
  library (and not a gem)

  You may need to establish a 'RUBYLIB' environment variable in the
  windows box (let me know if you don't know how to do that)  that
  points to the directory where you have that stuff.  I use c:\lib for
  that kind of thing, but hey whatever works for you.  avoid spaces
  unless you want to have to put stuff in quotes.  Remember its windows/
  dos and use a backslash and not slash (grin)

  On Jan 12, 7:54 am, Joe Fl joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:
  Sorry I setup a windows vm and the error above happens when I try and
  run the script.

  On Jan 12, 10:06 am, Joe Fl joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Chuck,

   I have set myself up with VMware Fusion and brought down my scripts
   and folders from github but how do I handle this?

   `require': cannot load such file -- common/helper_methods (LoadError)
   36:in `require'
           from add_multiple_share_members_types.rb:7:in `main'

   Exit code: 1

   Do I need to place the full path in the script?  I use a csv file for
   input data in the app too.


   # the rubygems
   require rubygems

   # the Watir webdriver controller
   require watir-webdriver

   require 'common/helper_methods'

   #require 'discussion/generate_sharing_data'

   require 'faster_csv'

   helper = HelperMethods.new($browser)

   #Call method to delete text from file
   name_of_file = 'multi_add_discussion_headers.txt'

   #Call method to delete text from file
   name_of_file = 'multi_add_discussion_reusable_data.txt'

   #Setting variable name with script name
   script_name = File.basename(__FILE__,.rb)

   Thank you,

   On Jan 6, 7:51 pm, Chuck van der Linden sqa...@gmail.com wrote:

well on a PC you can do that with either AutoIt, or Rautomation.   Not
so sure with the mac (although someone else may be able to help)

I'm learning to be a mac user after years with windows systems, but
when it comes to running watir I just do it through VM's hosted on the
mac for a number of reasons, so while I technically run watir or watir-
webdriver on a mac, I'm not actually running it on OSX

On Jan 6, 10:57 am, Joe Fleck joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:


 Thank you this was very helpful.  I do have VMWare fusion so I will
 begin using it to run my scripts.  I usually have this problem when
 developing my scripts.  I development them in Netbeams (6.0) and run
 them from there.  When you wrote this 'You
  may need to set focus to the browser window first.'  did you mean
 manually or is there a method that will do this?

 Thank you,

 On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 12:45 PM, Chuck van der Linden 
 sqa...@gmail.com wrote:

  On Jan 6, 6:51 am, Joe Fleck joeflec...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have found it does work but won't if the browser is not in my
  admitted focus.  I am using a MAC BookPro.  Has anyone else
  experienced this?

  Thank you,

  Most 'send keys' operations emulate typing at the keyboard, and are
  generally done at the OS level.  As a result the keystrokes tend 
  to go
  to whatever has focus in the UI of the system you are testing on.  
  may need to set focus to the browser window first.  That can mean 
  pretty difficult to do anything else on the system when scripts are
  running since you never know when you might lose focus on your 

  If you want to do other work on the system while scripts are 

[wtr-general] Re: tightness of coupling between watir and watir-webdriver?

2012-01-13 Thread Chuck van der Linden
Here's how I understand things.

The 'coupling' is that they both try to implement the same API.  The
API was originated by Watir, but more recently watir-webdriver has
been at the foerfront there and Watir has been in catchup mode.   The
API is now codified in 'watirspec' which allows both tools (and for
that matter anything else, like if someone wanted to start working on
Safariwatir) to ensure that they work properly with the api as
described in watirspec.  Watirspec is I believe using the Rspec tool
as the test framework etc.  the tests are the documentation

You do not need Watir installed to use Watir-webdriver.

Because they both implement the same API and pretty much the same
object model, you will find that both of them have code to define a
very similar (if not nearly identical) set of objects, with common
inheritance etc  When creating scripts you should require one or the
other but NOT both at the same time.  (it is possible to create one
script that works with both, requiring the one that is needed based on
a config file, parameter, or env variable, but that is a very
different subject)

The advantage of Watir is that because it drives IE differently, in
some cases it seems to be better able to drive IE correctly,
especially in a few cases where IE actually refuses access to the DOM
from javascript based stuff for security reasons.   Also for some
companies, IE is the supported platform for their web-app and they
don't need anything else.  (Remember Watir originated years ago when
IE pretty much owned the vast majority of the browser market, before
webdriver existed, when just being able to drive IE was good enough
for a lot of folks.)

The advantage of watir-webdriver is cross browser support, also a
fairly rapid update (typically) when new browser versions require some
update to the drivers.  For a while it might also be said that WW
offered a more 'advanced' version of the Watir API, but that is less
so with recent releases of Watir catching it up.

The big difference in version numbers between the two projects might
be a bit confusing to some users.  It might be nice if we did
something like establish a version for the watirspec tests,  e..g.
'watirspec 3' and then both projects supporting that version of the
interface were to use that as their major version number.

I've not had a chance to read it yet (it's on my list) but I think
Zeljko's book on Watir contains a bit of history about how the tool

Did that help provide any clarity, or did I just further muddy things
for you?

On Jan 13, 9:55 am, jw joshuawal...@gmail.com wrote:
 This question was spawned when Jarmo recently announced watir 3.0.  I
 was trying to figure out if the changes he listed would affect my
 watir-webdriver scripts, and after looking at some code I'm guessing

 When I've installed watir-webdriver it seems watir is a prereq.  But I
 noticed that (for example) Watir::Element is defined in both watir and
 watir-webdriver.  The underlying object (the DOM element) in watir is
 found using watir's native tools.  It looks like the underlying object
 in watir-webdriver is found using selenium-webdriver.  So my question
 is what does watir add (why is the gem necessary) if you are using
 watir-webdriver?  I'm not looking for a long technical discussion,
 just a quick conceptual how do they fit together kind of answer.
 Thanks to anyone who can provide clarity...

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: watirgrid and watir-webdriver-performance together?

2012-01-13 Thread Chuck van der Linden
details of the error might help to determine the cause of the problem

On Jan 13, 1:13 pm, Dan dfra...@gmail.com wrote:
 Can watirgrid and watir-webdriver-performance be used together?  I've got
 something like the below going, but I get a NoMethodError.  All of the
 providers have up to date chrome and the performance gem installed.  Thanks
 for your help in advance.

  Watir::Grid.control(:controller_uri = 'druby://host') do |browser, id|
       threads  Thread.new do
       browser.goto @config[runSettings][url]
       puts Load Time for #{id}:
 #{browser.performance.summary[:response_time]/1000} seconds.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir 3.0.rc1 Released

2012-01-13 Thread Chuck van der Linden
+1   Great work.

out of curiosity, why the bump to the major version number?

On Jan 13, 1:37 am, Dan Claudiu Pop danclaudiu...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Jan 13, 10:43 am, Ivan Kabluchkov ikabluch...@gmail.com wrote:

  Jarmo, thanks for your job :)

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Watir 3.0.rc1 Released

2012-01-13 Thread Chuck van der Linden
So what if any are the remaining big differences between the two?

the handling for JS popups??

On Jan 13, 10:39 am, Jarmo Pertman jarm...@gmail.com wrote:
 Yes, there aren't any changes for watir-webdriver users, because that
 is a completely different gem, but this version should make it quite
 easy to run existing test scripts against Watir or Watir-WebDriver
 gems because both of these gems are getting more compatible with each
 other each day.


 On Jan 13, 7:36 pm, jw joshuawal...@gmail.com wrote:

  So to be clear, the change to (for example) Button#text would not
  affect a script that uses watir-webdriver, correct?  Is there any
  noticeable change to watir-webdriver users?

  Thanks for keeping people writing automation at their job instead of
  testing manually!

  On Jan 13, 1:32 am, Jarmo jarm...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hello everyone!

   I'm happy to announce that Watir isn't dead at all, since yet another
   version of Watir has been just released - 3.0.rc1.

   Its biggest goal is to conform even better with WatirSpec making it more
   compliant with Watir-WebDriver.

   * Button#text returns value if exists instead of text
   * Browser#goto prepends url automatically with http:// if scheme is 
   * Browser#element(s)_by_(xpath/css) are now private methods - use
   #element(:css = ...) and #element(:xpath = ...) instead
   * Browser#label supports searching by :for attribute
   * Browser#options method for searching option elements
   * Browser#body, #thead, #tfoot, #tbody, #frameset and #fieldset added
   * Browser#window and Browser#windows added implementing window switching
   * Element#present? returns false if exception is thrown by #exists? or
   * Element#style returns CSS text instead of OLE object
   * Element#text returns an empty string for non-visible elements
   * Element#parent returns correct instance of Element class (e.g. Div
   instead of Element)
   * Element#focus focuses document before focusing on the element
   * Element#right_click and Element#double_click added
   * Element#to_subtype added which returns specific instance of
   Watir::Element subclass
   * Element#send_keys added
   * Element#eql? as an alias for Element#== added
   * Element#tag_name added
   * ElementCollection#[] method supports negative indexes like regular 
   * ElementCollection#[] returns always an object, even if the index is out
   of bounds
   * FileField#set and Image#save uses correct Windows file path (e.g. 
   \-es into /-es)
   * FileField#set raises Errno::ENOENT instead of WatirException if file
   doesn't exist
   * FileField#value= as an alias for FileField#set added
   * Font#color, #face and #size added
   * Form#submit triggers onSubmit event and doesn't submit the form if
   event's callback returns false
   * Frame#execute_script added
   * Image#file_size, #height and #width return integer instead of a string
   * Image#save blocking fixed
   * Meta#content and #http_equiv added
   * Option code rewritten, causing changes in its API
   * SelectList code rewritten, causing changes in its API
   * SelectList#(selected_)options returns now Options collection instead of
   an array of strings
   * Table and its subelements code rewritten, causing changes in its API
   * Table#strings and #hashes added
   * TextField#label added
   * searching elements will find only correct types - e.g. using Browser#div
   returns only DIV element even if all other provided selectors match
   * all selectors and tag of the element needs to match even if searching by
   * supporting html5 data-* attributes by using :data_* for locating and
   #data_* for retrieving attribute values
   * many other internal changes

   Please try it out before final release of 3.0 by executing:
   gem install watir --pre

   With Best Regards,
   Jarmo Pertman

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: watirgrid and watir-webdriver-performance together?

2012-01-13 Thread Dan
I didn't get much more than the no method error, but I'll post more details 
when I get back to the office.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


[wtr-general] Re: Segmentation fault when using thread, watir, and Tk

2012-01-13 Thread Barry
Thanks, John. I just need some simple GUI from Tk. It seems that I
can't do it with watir. So I may just go for watij (Java).

On Jan 11, 4:20 pm, John Fitisoff jfitis...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Not sure what's going on there but probably worth mentioning that there are 
 some existing alternatives. I think Test::Unit has a built-in Tk test runner, 
 although I've never used it. You may also want to consider using Eclipse with 
 the Dynamic Languages Toolkit (DLTK) plugin. The IDE has a built-in test 
 runner and some people I know like it. I haven't used that either though. I 
 typically just run things from a console.

  From: Barry barry...@gmail.com
 To: Watir General watir-general@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 1:04 PM
 Subject: [wtr-general] Segmentation fault when using thread, watir, and Tk

 I use Tk to create GUI to invoke watir. When I click a button, IE
 window should be opened. To avoid the freezing UI, I put it into a new
 thread. This worked until everything finished and I closed Tk window.
 There will be segmentation fault. I am not familar with Thread in
 Ruby. Should I clean something after a thread is done?

 Here is the simplified code. If you run this code, you will get a
 segmentation erro when closing the Tk window.

 require 'tk'
 require 'watir'

 root = TkRoot.new() { title test watir }

 browser = Watir::IE.new


 Here is the error msg:

 segerr.rb: [BUG] Segmentation fault
 ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30) [i386-mingw32]

 -- Control frame information
 c:0001 p: s:0002 b:0002 l:001bd4 d:001bd4 TOP

 -- C level backtrace information
 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll(NtWaitForSingleObject+0x15) [0x77a5f8c1]
 +0x17a) [0x62
 +0x1a4) [0x62ded
 Release\IEDialog.dll(DoButtonClick+0x5215) [0x10006985]

 Before posting, please readhttp://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
 you ask, be nice.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.
