
I would like to test if a specific value exists in a field.

The following is what people use for div: $ie.div(:id,
'legend').text.include?("Bob T. Lewis")

I want to use this for text_field, such as: $ie.browser.text_field
(:id, 'legend').text.include?("Bob T. Lewis").should==true

Should it work?

I find it's difficult to use the rdoc.  For example, I see people
use .include?, exists?, etc., so I follow some examples and can use
them. But in this case, I don't know if include? would work for
text_field.  If looking under rdoc: Watir::TextField, I do not see
include?. I see the readonly? attribute.  If the rdoc has examples for
every attribute or method, such as in Watir::Container, it would be
nice. And where can I see a list of all condition checks such as
include?, enabled?, disabled?, and more.... ( This is just some
suggestions for what to improve doc, besides lots of wonderful things
about watir).  Thanks.

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