Below is a sniplet of the  code of the web page.  I 'm trying to
How can I select the option from the second list, the 'Fine Art'
section using WATIR?

For example

ie.select_list(:name,  "select").set("Drawing - In A Day")

WATIR wont let me because the system is looking at the list from the
'Craft' section. Thanks for your help.

<p>Some text </p>
<select name="select" size="1" onchange="redir(this)"><option
selected>*** CHOOSE ***</option>
<option value="crscm019.html">Candle Making</option>
<option value="crsdm200.html">Doll Making</option>
<option value="crsgs070.html">Glass Kiln Forming & Fusing</option>
<option value="crsje012.html">Jewellery - Wirework</option>

<br><h2>Fine Art</h2>
<p>Some text.</p>
<select name="select" size="1" onchange="redir(this)"><option
selected>*** CHOOSE ***</option>
<option value="crsfb030.html">Art - Folio Preparation</option>
<option value="crsdr071.html">Drawing - Basics</option>
<option value="crsdc300.html">Drawing - Caricatures</option>
<option value="crsdr001.html">Drawing - In A Day</option>
<option value="crspl040.html">Drawing - Pastels</option>
<option value="crstl110.html">Trompe L'Oeil Mural Illusion</option>

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