When you click 'login' button what happens? is there another window, popup
or something first?

marekj | Semantic Page Objects Automation

Watir Framework

On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Jarod Zhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am using firewatir-1.6.2 to build a web automation framework.
> During the development, I met one problem that when I used
> FireWatir::Firefox instane to login our web page, I have to attach the
> page again browser again so that I can click the object in logined
> page.
> The code looks like this
> *********************************************************************************************
> ff = FireWatir::Firefox.new
> ff.goto(my_web_url)
> ff.text_field(:id, "txt_login").set(username)
> ff.text_field(:id, "txt_password").set(password)
> ff.button(:id, "btn_login").click
> sleep 5
> ff.attach(:title, page_title)   #  without this step, ff.link
> (:id,'logout_link_') can't be found
> ff.link(:id,'logout_link_').click
> *********************************************************************************************
> Actually the page is not a new popup window, and if I use Watir::IE
> instead, "attach" is not necessary.
> Is there anyone know the reason?
> Thank you
> >

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