you use and not $browser as youve used elsewhere in your


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Matt <> wrote:

> I am receiving the following error:
>  1) Error:
> test_a_order_now(TC_S001):
> NoMethodError: undefined method `link' for nil:NilClass
>    Story001_set.rb:50:in `test_a_order_now'
> <Error is on the verify statement near the end>
> ###########################################################################################
> require 'watir'
> require "watir/testcase"
> class TC_S001 < Watir::TestCase
>  def test_a_order_now
>   #variables
>   test_site = ''
>   #open a browser
>   $browser =
>   puts '## Beginning of test: Order'
>   puts '  '
>   puts 'Step 1: go to the site'
>   $browser.goto(test_site)
>   puts '  Action: entered ' + test_site + ' in the address bar.'
>   puts 'Check for Security Warning'
>   if $browser.text.include? "Continue to this website (not
> recommended)."
>      puts 'Security Warning found'
>    $, "Continue to this website (not
> recommended).").click
>      puts 'Clicked Continue on Security Warning'
>    end
>   verify((, "some text").exists?), message="Field
> not active.")
>   $, "some text").click
>   puts '  '
>   puts '## End of test: Order Now'
>  end # end of test_order_now
> ###########################################################################################
> On Feb 10, 2:42 pm, Matt <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am new to Watir and trying to figure out the best way to go about
> > validating my AUT. I started out by using the assert method for text
> > checks but do not like that it exits when there is a failure and does
> > not execute the following statements. So my questions are:
> >
> > How is the verify method used?
> > Can I check for objects, properties, text, etc with verify? (need to
> > check for the existence of objects)
> > Which libraries need to be loaded?
> >
> > I added 'require "watir/testcase" ' as directed in another post and it
> > did not work. I was using it like this:
> >
> > verify($browser.text.include?("Order Now") )
> >
> > best practices for reporting to test results?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Matt
> --
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