On Mon, 29 Apr 2013 21:23:43 -0400
Kristian Høgsberg <hoegsb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 05:23:03PM -0400, Kristian Høgsberg wrote:
> > Looking at the functionality in the server library, it's clear (in
> > hindsight) that there are two different "things" in there: 1) The
> > IPC API, that is, everything that concerns wl_display, wl_client,
> > wl_resource and 2) a half-hearted attempt at sharing input code and
> > focus logic that leaves a lot of problematic structs in the API
> > surface, only to share less than 1000 lines of code.
> > 
> > We can move those input structs and helper functions into weston and
> > cut libwayland-server down to just the core server side IPC API.
> > In the short term, compositors can copy those structs and functions
> > into their source, but longer term, they're probably better off
> > reimplementing those objects and logic directly in their native
> > object framework (QObject, GObject etc).
> Just to clarify, this and the three are mostly RFC state at this
> point.  The patches are fine, they compile and run, but let's just see
> if we agree on the idea before pushing.  Also, they'll conflict with a
> lot of the work currently on the list, so I'm not pushing them before
> I catch up on my patch back log.  I quite like how they clean up the
> wayland-server mess, and there's plenty of room for further
> consolidation in input.c.

Hi Kristian,

I like this, it removes a big black box from the input path in weston,
which was the code in libwayland-server, and now we can more easily
tune and fix it.

If we are ever going to turn Weston core into libweston, that would be
a better place for this code.

It did cross my mind to suggest again, that we could use (abstract)
object class types in the generated C API instead of the wl_resource
everywhere, but I also realized it's probably not an improvement.

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