Hunting Topic

2015-03-21 Thread Steve Cooke
I have been trying to think of more and came up with three more possibilities on my lunch hour. 1. Crawdads 2. Frogs 3. Moonshiners ( the one that is neither mammal or bird ) 4. Cats ( Floyd needed them to practice his profession ) 5. Loaded Goats 6.

Unforgettable Character

2015-03-21 Thread Cheryl Langille
My Most Unforgettable Character An Essay By Cheryl Lydia Croswaithe: She was a woman ahead of her time. Why when I was a girl, all of the teen magazines said a girl should talk about what a boy wants to talk about to get him to like her. We should show interest in what he is interested in.

The Most Interesting Mayberry Character I Have Ever Known

2015-03-21 Thread Ken Anderson
The Most Interesting Mayberry Character I Have Ever Known The most interesting Mayberry character I have ever known is Ernest T. Bass. He is a strange little man who lives in the hills outside of Mayberry. He lives all by himself except for a few raccoons, squirrels, and other animals. He can