MeTV age quiz for Just wondering..... (Joe)

2019-01-29 Thread
For Joe: Nope! I took the quiz and it guessed I was 16 years older than I actually am. -- Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2019 01:31:13 -0500 From: Joe Subject: Just wondering. ..if anybody else has taken the MeTV TAGS quiz, where they claim to guess your age based on

Disney trivia

2014-05-18 Thread
Paul's hints are really good ones. I am far from a trained noticer and I was able to figure out three of the four from Paul's hints. So as not to spoil the fun for anyone, I won't share here since, it being Sunday, some of those on the Digest won't have a chance to view Paul's message until a


2014-04-13 Thread
I guess Checkpoint Chickie doesn't count then, either, but I wonder if that's what Ken might have been thinking of.~~ And maybe a CHICKADEE might have been mentioned.I don't remember anyone ever mentioning a chickadee. And no, people who share their name with a bird such as

TAGS related pet names

2013-03-16 Thread
Back in 1991, we got a Rottweiler puppy and named him Floyd. We already had the name picked out and would have gone with it even if the puppy we picked was a girl! (But we ended up with a male.) We almost then adopted a deaf Dalmatian who we would've named Ernest T. And while naming our