Andy Griffith's interview on NPR

2007-05-15 Thread tljhunt Enjoy!!! ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Vote for Barney!!!

2007-03-28 Thread tljhunt
My local paper, The Florida Times Union, is having a Sitcom Starwars online contest. Presently, it's down to Lucy and Barney. Please go to : and vote for Barney...the last I checked...he was LOOSING!!! Thanks and best of luck

TVLAnd's episode senquencing

2007-02-21 Thread tljhunt
I work in the TV industry and I'm THINKING that TVLand is airing TAGS out of sequence due to certain episodes cpoyrights expiring. You see, when a network buys the rights to air a show, they have so many air plays and/or a deadline date until those episodes expire. TVLand's renewal MAY be

ANdy in his boxers

2007-02-16 Thread tljhunt
I know this is a family site, but did you ever wonder how many times we got to see Andy in, well, his underwear? Now, you can't count the cap and nightgown from A Feud is a Feud. It just hasn't ever bother me on tiny little bit to see Sheriff Taylor in those boxers!!! :o)

Andy confronting women

2007-01-25 Thread tljhunt
I can think of another time Andy had trouble confronting a female...remember the episode when he kept avoiding Peggy? Andy and Barney had whipped the fact that Peggy's Daddy was a man of means into a froth. He even had Aunt Bee fibbing to her for him on the phone for gracious sakes!