Thanks  Janet and Allan for the attention on the Christmas Episode.
Normally I watch on Christmas Eve, but I decided to have a preview to
keep  an eye on the Christmas Card Caper.  Good discovery.  Very
interesting  (listen to Two Chairs, No Waiting Podcast if you have not
yet).  As one additional comment on the cards.. did you notice that
Barney tacks them up sideways?  Who indeed messed up the  bulletin

Another interesting tidbit,  why did the prisoners in jail at the
beginning have presents in jail with them?

Someone mentioned getting a tear in the eye when Ben sings.  I do as
well, but for me,  what make both eyes moist is when Aunt Bee says "Ben"
The whole show, he had been trying to join the party.  The whole time he
was a lonely outcast.  He longed for the fellowship and joy, and that
home cooking.  That hospitable enchanting calling of his name, "Ben" let
him know that he had finally succeeded.  What a moment!  That plate of
food and cup of drink signified the completion of his long-for goal of
acceptance.  Can't you feel his joy?

This week I wish you all a moment when someone calls your name (like
Aunt Bee did Ben's) .  Maybe it's to the dinner table.  Maybe it's a
greeting when you step into a home.  Maybe it's an invitation for a hug,
or to get your attention to hand you a gift...but be ready for that joy
of your name being called.

Do everything that you can to keep yourself from having to sing through
the bars alone.  

The celebration in Jail instead of a home is also meaningful to me.  For
the last 8-10 years of my father's life, we had to celebrate Christmas
in the Community Room of his nursing home.  We made it Christmas right
there, thanks to Mom and all  her planning.  Maybe some will celebrate
Christmas in a hospital..or from home but in bed...or over the phone
across a distance...or perhaps a restaurant..but wherever it is.. Enjoy
the simple pleasures of traditions and family and friends.   And don't
forget the subject of Ellie and Andy's Song.

Thanks for the awesome Card, Newsome's.  First class, as usual!
Merry Christmas
The Untrained Voice

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