If anyone has Google Earth, if you can, zoom down to Main Street in Mt. Airy. 
If you look directly at the Snappy Lunch and then look to your right at 
the?building next to the Snappy Lunch, you can see someone dressed exactly like 
Otis Campbell standing on the street with the tie, hat and everything. Look 
carefully, and as if you were standing in the middle of Main St. (I know - 
jaywalking). It's in front of the building to the right as you are facing 
toward the Snappy Lunch, and is before you get ot Opie's Candy Store.

I had to look twice and call in a friend to see it. I couldn't believe it. 
Maybe Kenneth Junkin was in Town that day? Take a look if you get the chance - 
I'm not kidding! 

Does anyone else see this?

Brad "Neil Bentley" Cunningham
"My card, in case you ever need my services..."
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