Just to set the record straight - when using the word, the proper spelling is 
PREY as in what wild animals do for food. In other words, the thought is a 
bother and you want to get to the bottom of the issue. When Opie used it, he 
was referring to the fact that he did not want to have to work to earn his 
allowance so the idea of having money just handed to him was a grand thought. I 
know I make a big deal out of the proper spelling of Aunt Bee and usually 
either Paul or someone else corrects others as well but I see this particular 
mistake often. It's common to think you would use the word PRAY but unless 
you're speaking to the Almighty, the word is PREY. 
> Another way to look at it is - PRAY is a verb and PREY is a noun.
> Harriet, the chicken thief, in Kelsey's Woods USA
Harriet, I agree w/ you on most things about your post.  You're right - it 
should be "prey" instead of "pray" in this quote.  I also agree that the word 
"prey" is a noun, as in "The lion pounced on his prey".  However, in the TAGS 
quote, "preying on my mind", the word "preying" is not a noun - it is a verb.  
(I am sending this in the nicest, kindest Mayberry spirit and I hope that it is 
accepted as such and that it doesn't cause any offense or hurt feelings.)  : )
Have a Mayberry Day -
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