I just want to say a big THANK YOU to the surry arts council, the stars of the 
show, the shops, and all the fans for this years Mayberry Days. It's been a 
tough year with my wife's cancer, (doing very well praise God) it was  great to 
get away and forget all worries of life and find peace. The kinda peace that 
you always had at the end of every episode. Andy could fix ANYTHING in a half 
hour. Upon leaving we went into Mayberry on Main and the owners are so great. 
Running into Goober was a plus. I'm not only taking back a bit of Mayberry with 
me I'm a better person because of you. Also thanks to the guy that made the 
great Mayberry Union High hat rack, for the auction, I love it. It was our 
second trip to Mayberry Days, with many more to come, God willing. See ya next 
year. Keep a good thought.  Mike "the scamp" Haviland

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