> "Take me out to the ball game" In this context, it is correct english.
> but, What it is was football is incorrect english. 

That's because the actual title is "What it WAS was football".  My biggest pet 
peeve is when people ask "Where are you AT?"  or "Where is it AT?" as if At is 
needed there. The correct question (I want to finish my sent-tence) is "Where 
are you?" or "Where is it?". Why anyone adds AT to questions like that is way 
beyond my scope of interest......I just refer to them all as interlopers - 
interloping words where they don't belong.    

Harriet, the chicken thief and lover of Queen's English


......"Johnny Paul Jason says chewing tar is good for your teeth"..."That's an 
old wives tale"...."Johnny Paul ain't married"........

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