Who has been barefoot in Mayberry?

What about the time that Andy, Barney, Thelmer Lou and uhhhh, was it Peggy(?) went wading at the creek or the duck pond or somewheres? They were barefoot - remember - Barney didn't want to take his shoes off but Andy said it was okay b/c both the girls had brothers.

OH - let me tell you about my Mayberry moment this week at school. I was walking into a class this week and just as I got to the door, the teacher asked the kids, "What is 25 and 25?" I had to refrain from doing a little Ernest T. dance and hollering out "50!". And I mean I BARELY refrained from it!! I told my dad about it and he was hoping the whole time I was telling it that I didn't do my Ernest T. impression. I don't know what's wrong w/ my dad. Most parents would be proud to have a daughter who knows about Ernest T. And I don't know about that teacher's upbringing, either. She didn't have the foggiest notion of what I was talking about when I tried to tell her about why "25 and 25" is funny. AND she admitted to NOT watching TAGS!! Such goin's on - such goin's on!! What is this world coming to!?!?

Y'all have a good holiday and Mayberry weekend...


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