no digest

2010-11-23 Thread info
I have not been getting the digest.  Is there a problem w/email service?
Brenda Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ghost and Mr. Chicken

2010-11-08 Thread info
I have a note in my computer that says The Ghost and Mr. Chicken will be on TCM 
Mov. 16th at 8 pm.  I put that in there months ago, so will just have to check 
on that nite to see if it's right.  
Also, when Cousin Virgil dumps the roast in Andy's lap, I always wonder why the 
writers didn't have a big stain on Andy's pants and shirt when they are saying 
goodnight to Virgil and Barney.  It just seems like they overlooked that.  Did 
Andy go upstairs and change his clothes during dinner?  
"Virgil, can't you do anything right?"
Brenda J. Higgins
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-10-12 Thread info
I happened to come across an old movie on TCM on Sun. evening.  It had, among 
others, Henry Fonda, Natalie Wood, Tony Curtis, Lauren Bacall and they were all 
driving cars down an interstate.  Then, in one old car was our Emma Watson 
(wasn't her name Cheerio Meredith?) and Bert Mustin-Judd or Bert on TAGS.  I 
looked in the TV section but could not find what the name of this movie is.  
Does anybody know what I am referring to?  
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Cousin Virgil

2010-10-04 Thread info
I did not realize that "Cousin Virgil" was in "Bonnie and Clyde".  Just saw 
some of that movie over the weekend on TCM.
Bee In New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Denver Pyle

2010-10-04 Thread info
If Denver Pyle's home state is Colorado, was Denver his real name, or stage 
"Is he one of us?"  Just so's I know where I stand."
Brenda J. Higgins
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Lawyer in bathing suit

2010-09-29 Thread info
While I am not as fond of the color shows, I do like some.  Howard the 
Comedian, Dinner at Eight.  But, someone mentioned the lawyer in the bathing 
suit show and not liking it.  I don't mind watching it because of the terrible 
sunburn that Andy got and then he has to explain it to everyone.  Including 
Helen.  Helen is always so jealous of every woman that Andy talks to.  It just 
strikes me funny when Andy has such a red face from sitting in the sun.  
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

trivia contest

2010-09-29 Thread info
I would still like to know if anyone has or remembers some of the trivia 
questions at this yrs. trivia contest.  When we went to Mayberry Days back in 
'04 (my one and only time) we loved the trivia contest.  And, I remember the 
one hard question that for some reason I knew.  Which was - What is the number 
on Clara's jar of pickles at the best pickle contest?  Anybody know without 
"This year I went wild with allspice."  
Brenda J. Higgins  or Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trivia questions

2010-09-25 Thread info
I would like to know what the trivia contest questions were this year.  Can 
anyone find out?
I don't have time for trivial trivialities but still would like to know.
Brenda J. Higgins  Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Sign of Mayberry

2010-09-20 Thread info
We were on our way to church yesterday and passed the grocery store.  They have 
a changeable sign out front the says "ROTIS CHICKEN" (short for rotisserie).  I 
had to laugh because the R fell off and the sign said "OTIS CHICKEN".  Would 
that be a pickled chicken?  
"I before E except after C and E before N as in chicken."   (I always forget 
that rule.)
Brenda Higgins
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

canning jars

2010-09-07 Thread info
I stopped in the hardware store this morning and they had a big stack of 
canning jars.  I immediately thought of Andy buying canning jars for Aunt Bee 
instead of the bed jacket.  Did not see any with scratched lids at a discount.
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ernest T. Bass

2010-08-16 Thread info
Ernest T. got his diploma for learning from Miss Crump.  That is why he knew 
his geography.
"Miss Crump, I luv you."
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Andy in real life.

2010-08-10 Thread info
I also have heard that Andy himself can be rather hard to get along with in 
real life.  Kind of a curmudgeon.  But, maybe that is what makes him a good 
actor.  After all, it is his business.  Maybe he has to make business decisions 
and has that kind of reputation.  I have always heard that he and Francis (Aunt 
Bee) did not hit it off very well.  But, on screen, they played their parts so 
well.  That's Hollywood.
And also, after reading Don Knott's book (several times now), I realize that 
most actors fret about where their next job is.  Don was constantly worried 
that he would never work again. What is an endearing character to us, is a job 
to an actor.  It must be a stressful life.
"Don't that just clutch ya?"
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Trained noticing

2010-08-07 Thread info
I noticed in our local paper the other day a list of bands playing at a local 
place.  One of the bands was called "Atta Boy, Luther".Sounds like a 
tribute to Don Knotts to me.
Bee In New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

John Masters

2010-07-28 Thread info
I love the way John Masters makes a big moulage out of everything.  He worries 
and fusses over every detail.  But, he always has ANDY do all the dirty work 
for him.  Andy always has to smooth everything out while Mr. Masters scolds 
him.  When Aunt Bee was playing Lady Mayberry, John wanted Andy to tell her she 
was not good for the part.  And, he wanted Andy to tell Barney that he couldn't 
"You've got a uvula, I got a uvula, they got a uvula, all God's children got a 
Bee In New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Laundry service

2010-07-25 Thread info
After watching "Aunt Bee The Warden"  again last nite I got to thinking.  What 
would Aunt Bee need a laundry service for?   Was that common back then?  Nobody 
ever does my laundry for me.
Just wondering.   Now, get to it.
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Quiet Sam

2010-07-21 Thread info
There are cars parked in the background when everyone gathers around at the end 
of the show.  One of them is a Comet.  Maybe Barney borrowed Sara's car in an 
"Don't you remember?  You were disectin' that grasshopper and you froze!"
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Floyd's first show

2010-07-16 Thread info
What TAGS was Howard McNear's first appearance?  I was asked that this morning 
and could not come up with it.  I know that Convicts at Large was the last 
appearance before his stroke.  And, I know his last show, which is the color 
episode when Floyd wins the gas station prize.  I have not had a chance to look 
at my DVD's to find the show.  Anyone know?  And, which number episode is it?
"It's hot.  Know what temperature it is?  It's 92.  It's hot."
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-06-04 Thread info
Might be time to restate the rules in Mayberry.  And we all know what the #1 
rule is.
WBMUTBB mailing list

Goober takes a car apart

2010-06-03 Thread info
 What is the possibility of taking a car apart and getting it in a building?  I 
am thinking that would be quite a job.  And then, taking it all apart again.  
Just how long would that take a person?
Fascinating.  Just fascinating.
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Car in Courthouse

2010-06-01 Thread info
What point was the Sheriff making?   It has to be "speed, speed, speed".
We need to "slow down, take it easy."
By the way, nice article Ken, in the link to AARP.  
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Businesses

2010-05-26 Thread info
Did anyone mention the Palmerton Cafe (I think that is the spelling)?  I 
remember seeing it in the background.
And thanks to Harriet Browder for the TAGS quotes.  I did not see one of my 
favorites-"Well, if it ain't daddy longlegs!".  It might be on the list, but I 
have not seen it yet.  Or this one-"It's Helen Crump! C-R-U-M-P!"  Love that 
one, too.
Bee in OH  Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

underwear wearers

2010-05-24 Thread info
I can think of that one show where the men were trying to get back at the 
ladies and took their dept. store credit away from them.  The one lady is in 
her slip when she storms out the door.
I think Opie has his blue jeans on when Aunt Bee called him a "naked savage" 
because he didn't have a shirt on, so that does not count.  
"Opie, you get up to your room and put a shirt on."  But, Aunt Bee, I'm hot."

Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

neat and clean

2010-05-06 Thread info
Yes, Ken, I agree.  It always pays to look your best.
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

Betty Lynn

2010-04-30 Thread info
About Betty Lynn being robbed in Mt. Airy.  You go Betty!  Bless your heart.  
We love you.
Brenda J. Higgins
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list

smoking in Mayberry

2010-04-24 Thread info
Andy lights the cigarette for the founder's day thief.  Thomas A. Moody.  "Oh, 
what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Days

2010-04-19 Thread info
We are thinking about going to Mayberry Days this year.  We were there in '04 
when Andy Griffith spoke.  It was so much fun and I would like to go back.  Can 
anyone tell me about Karen Knott's show?  I was wondering about getting 
tickets.  What is it like?  And, is the trivia contest always on Friday?  I 
loved that.  
Last time we were there, Betty Lynn, James Best, George Spence, Maggie 
(Charlene) and the Dilliards all came in to eat at the same place we were 
eating.  What a thrill that was!  
"Hi, Gloria." (George Spence's one line on TAGS.)
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee in glasses

2010-04-09 Thread info
Dewey in NC.  Would that be the Frank Myers episode?
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

6 and 7/8ths

2010-04-07 Thread info
Gee, I was sure your daughter would draw out 6 and 7/8ths for the spelling bee 
instead of "11".

"Aw, Andy, he drew out the hat size."
Bee in New Concord, OH
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-04-06 Thread info
Thanks Larry in Lincolnton.  I had no idea where that was.
Bee In NC
WBMUTBB mailing list

Larry in Lincolnton

2010-04-05 Thread info
To Larry in Lincolnton.  Where is Lincolnton?  Is that where James Best lives 
since you saw him there at the doctor's office?
Just curious.  Curious.  Curious.
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list


2010-04-02 Thread info
Did anyone have a flat top haircut in Mayberry?  Maybe Floyd had the clippers 
to swing it, but nobody ever asked for one.
I know he had the magazines to swing it.
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list

wearing a uniform

2010-02-16 Thread info
Ken, maybe you need to make the back of your neck all slickity, too.
Bee in New Concord, OH
Brenda J. Higgins
WBMUTBB mailing list