I absolutely love dreamhost.com. I've been through my fair share of hosting 
companies and they are the best by far. Before you buy anything, google for 
their discount codes. You can save up to $90-something if you have the codes. 


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-----Original Message-----
From: "wwwpages" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 21:38:12 
Subject: [wdvltalk] Changing Hosting Provider

Hi folks,

I am unhappy with my current hosts, they let me down far too often in terms
of downtime, error/problems, prompt customer support, etc.

I have around 25 websites for various clients who host through me.
Hopefully more in the future.

Who do you recommend?

I am looking at GoDaddy - what are people's experiences with them?  Should I
purchase their reseller's package or is that overkill?  Should I look at the
virtual dedicated server option?  It seems good value, but I have no
interest in maintaining a server myself.

I'm not looking forward to the headaches of moving, but I have to make the
move, even if I do it gradually.  Obviously I don't really want to be paying
full fare at both.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


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