Hello Steve,

Saturday, February 01, 2003, 6:54:09 PM, you wrote:

SM> I have also developed a small application, written in php4 on linux/apache,
SM> that I hope to license as well. However, my first concern is how easy is it
SM> for someone to "see" my server-side code if given use of it? How would a
SM> knowledgeable hacker go about exposing my code, and how do I prevent it?

Anyone who has access to web server can see your php code. You see, in
order for PHP scripts to execute Apache must have a permission to read
them. And using simple fopen() I can open *any* file on the server.
safe-mode helps a bit, restricting the use of some functions and
trying to lock you in your home directory, but it also makes PHP
scripting really hard. About a year ago I messed with some local
forums, getting admin priveleges and deleting my IP address from the
base, for a mere cost of getting simplest PHP enabled account on the
same host as a forum.

You can really *hide* your code by using Zend Encoder. It will also
optimize your scripts so they will run MUCH faster. But it is not
free, though. Scripts, optimized by Encoder, will run only if you have
Zend Optimizer installed on server. It's free.

You can also try to obfuscate your scripts by using non-meaningful var
names, like $v1, $v2, $v3 instead of $username, $password, $page, by
using complex constructs. The advanced programmer will still
understand the logic, but to advanced programmer it will probably be a
lot easier to write his own script, than try to understand yours :-)
(BTW, never seen PHP obfuscator scripts, maybe I should write one)

Best regards,
 German                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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