Hello Massimo,

I recently installed web2py for a small customer project and found
that the online shell access is no longer working. I compared the
contrib/shell.py with an older working version and I do see that you
added a represent(obj) method. Launching the online shell this gaves

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "E:\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 192, in restricted
    exec ccode in environment
  File "E:/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/shell.py", line 47,
in <module>
  File "E:\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 137, in <lambda>
    self._caller = lambda f: f()
  File "E:/web2py/applications/admin/controllers/shell.py", line 35,
in callback
    output = gluon.contrib.shell.run(history,command,environ)
  File "E:\web2py\gluon\contrib\shell.py", line 258, in run
    history.set_global(name, val)
  File "E:\web2py\gluon\contrib\shell.py", line 104, in set_global
    blob = cPickle.dumps(value)
  File "c:\python27\lib\copy_reg.py", line 70, in _reduce_ex
    raise TypeError, "can't pickle %s objects" % base.__name__
TypeError: can't pickle StringO objects

To fix this I replace shell.py with an older version.

The second thing I found out was running the rocket webserver for port
8000 (http) and 8443 (https) on a single web2py instance using the
interfaces. This works like a champ if you launch it from command
line, however if you install web2py as a Windows service this doesnt
work. To fix this simply add "interface=options.interfaces" to the
start() method of winservice.py at line #131.

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