Hi Guys, im new in this group and hope u can help me. First sorry my
english, im from Chile.

Well, i need to show a grid and rescue the values from a row clicking
on it.

First i search a lot of grids for web2py and only find 4 grids,  like
jgrid, webgrid, sqlform.grid and sqlform.smartgrid, but most if it
works only with web2py define tables and i need show data from NOT
web2py define tables (i mean no tables from db.py). As i cant find
that how to do that, I Finally  decide to use SQLFORM.grid (before
defining a table on db.py and charging all data that i need), Now I
show the grid with all the data from table, but how can i rescue a
value of the grid  if i click on the row??, is that possible?? if
isn't, somebody knows other way to do it??

I need to click on the row of the grid and charge those values on
other grid. thats all.

Please I ask for your help, im new on web2py, and web languages.



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