Or in other word, @cache.ram(...) ALWAYS caches what the OUTPUT of a
controller action.

HOWEVER, if the output is a dict, then the web2py core will further
render them by the DEFAULT view. If the output is a string, then the
web2py core will serve it as-is. This is a rendering feature of web2py
core, and has nothing to do with cache feature.

Hope this explanation makes thing clear.


On Oct10, 1:27am, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> @cache.ram(...)
> def index(): return dict(a=3)
> caches the dict only
> @cache.ram(...)
> def index(): return response.render(a=3)
> caches the html
> On Oct 9, 11:00 am, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:
> > When you apply @cache to an controller action, what is actually cached, is
> > it just the response from the function, or the generated html? or the
> > returned dict() ?
> > Is there a way to have web2py just cache the generated html and serve it
> > like it was a static html file, depending on the request.env.path_info ?
> > -Thadeus
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