Hi All,

After checking the apache documentation and looking at older related 
discussions in the group, I still don't get what's wrong on my setup. What 
I want to achieve is:

cub3.net -> Load my home page
www.cub3.net -> Load my home page
web2py.cub3.net -> Load web2py

Using Apache with mod_wsgi. My current config files are:

<VirtualHost *:80>                                                              
            ServerName cub3.net                                                 
                                ServerAlias www.cub3.net                        
       ErrorLog /srv/www/cub3.net/logs/error.log                                
                           CustomLog /srv/www/cub3.net/logs/access.log combined 


<VirtualHost *:80>                                                              
    ServerName web2py.cub3.net                                                  
    WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=www-data group=www-data display-name=%{GROUP} 
    WSGIProcessGroup web2py                                                     
    WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/www/cub3.net/public_html/web2py/wsgihandler.py       
                    <Directory /srv/www/cub3.net/public_html/web2py>            
    AllowOverride None                                                          
                        Order Allow,Deny                                        
    Deny from all                                                               
    <Files wsgihandler.py>                                                      
        Allow from all                                                          
                    AliasMatch ^/([^/]+)/static/(.*) 
             Order Allow,Deny                                                   
                                 Allow from all                                 

<Location /admin>                                                               
    Deny from all                                                               
                    <LocationMatch ^/([^/]+)/appadmin>                          
    Deny from all                                                               
                    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/web2py/acces.log common          

Everything looks ok, and the wgsi process can be seen with ps. But when you go 
to http://web2py.cub3.net, it always loads the default home page, the same that 
you get at http://cub3.net or http://www.cub3.net. Any clue?

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