*Can anyone give me the version numbers of a web2py and Jython combination 
that work?*

I've read that web2py works out of the box with Jython for about the past 
three years, so obviously somebody has made this work (maybe it's just a 
matter of luck depending on the current state of Jython and web2py when one 
tries it).

As of 5/28/2012 I just tried the latest and greatest stable versions of 
web2py and Jython and they don't seem to get along to say the least.

I verified my standalone version of Jython has no problem with SQLite or 
zxJDBC, so I was really hoping web2py would really work.

According to google code all Jython tickets are closed for web2py.  My 
experience is similar to this post from about a year ago:




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