Hi Folks!

I have a bunch of domain using the same application so I have something
routers = dict(
  BASE  = dict(
      domains = {
          'domain1.net' : 'app/principal',
          'www.domain1.net' : 'app/principal',
          'domain2.net.br' : 'app/principal',
          'www.domain2.net.br' : 'app/principal' }

Now I need to have (for migration proposes) something like:

www.domain1.net/something.php mapped to app/content(my
controler)/something(parameter) but it still needs to show
www.domain1.net/something.php on the browser and "something" may vary...

How can I do that using parameter-based rewrite?

Thanks in advance!


Linux User #387870
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