I followed the manual's instruction for deploying web2py in a
production environment using apache and wsgi, and it works as
advertised. Calling http://domain.com/app1/default/function works just
like it did when I ran the rocket server from the command line.

I really want web2py to run from a subdirectory of the webserver, as I
intend to use an existing webserver that already has other functions.
I made one simple change to the default.conf file:

WSGIScriptAlias /xxx /opt/web-apps/web2py/wsgihandler.py

Calling http://domain.com/xxx/app1/default/function activates the same
web2py function as before, but all of the references on the displayed
page still point to http://domain.com/app1.  This makes sense as the
URL function that generated the reference doesn't know I've moved the

What's the easiest way to get my existing web2py applications to work
under this new path?  I'm guessing that using routes_in and routes_out
in routes.py may do the job, but my attempts at using it have failed.

I'm interested in any advice, and examples would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance, - Tom

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