I have created a form that takes server ip, username and password. I use 
pexpect to ssh into remote server, run a particular command and get basic 
data related to that server. I am creating the form using controller and 
also doing ssh in same controller and returning both form and processed 
data from same controller. But, when I run the html it is not displaying 
correct result, I am also confused on how I can load a table below add 
button inside a same page but as different frame.

My Controller script as below:

# coding: utf8# try something likedef display():
    import pexpect
    import sys
    import time
    import cgi, cgitb
    import getpass
    import urllib3
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    import json

    attr = ["Hostname", "Model Name", "Version", "connected count", "online 

    form=FORM(DIV('server IP', INPUT(_name = 'ipaddr', requires = 
                  'Username', INPUT(_name = 'uname', requires = 
                  'Password',INPUT(_name = 'password', _type = 'password', 
requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
    valuelist = list()
    if form.accepts(request,session):
        response.flash = 'form accepted'
        ssh_cmd = 'ssh'
        username = request.vars['uname'].strip()
        ip_addr = request.vars['ipaddr'].strip()
        password = request.vars['password'].strip()
        command = ssh_cmd+" "+username+"@"+ip_addr
            child = pexpect.spawn(command)
            child.expect('bash2.1# ')
            child.sendline('show sys-summary general')
            child.expect('bash2.1# ')
        except Exception, e:
            print e
        print child.before
        lines = child.before
        for line in lines.split("\n"):
            if any(word in line for word in attr):
                keyValue = line.split(":", 1)
                value = keyValue[1].strip()
        if child.isalive():
            child.sendline('exit') # Try to ask ftp child to exit.
        if child.isalive():
            print('Child did not exit gracefully.')
            print('Child exited gracefully.')

    elif form.errors:
        response.flash = 'form has errors'
        response.flash = 'please fill the form'
    return dict(form=form, valuelist=valuelist)

Now my html code is as below. It is just simple and I want to test whether 
that particular values has been received accordingly or not, hence I am 
just calling returned value

View code is:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}<h2>Controller Page</h2>{{=form}}<h2>Submitted 
variables</h2>{{=BEAUTIFY(form.vars)}}<h2>Errors in 

Could some one suggest, what change I can make so that I can see details of 
server below add button itself ? Like

Server IP: Username: Password: add examplehostname 333modelno 3.2 44 connected 22 online

Thanks !

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