Hi All,
    I have three problems - Please help me understand how to
troubleshoot these

Problem1 - (Primary issue)
      I have a table as below - How do I handle unique = True and
notnull= True fields i.e when I am doing negative testing and adding
similar fields, it throws me an exception. I am using web2py 1.99.4 ,
win7 and sqlite3

#users will be registered using email and password
                Field('first_name', length=128),
                Field('last_name', length=128),
                Field('marital_status', length=10,
                Field('gender', requires=IS_IN_SET(["Male", "Female",
                Field('cell_no', length=15),
                Field('email', length=512, unique=True, notnull=True),
                Field('address', length=512),
                Field('city', length=256),
                Field('zip', length=10),
                Field('unique_code', length=128, unique=True ), #,
comment='Eg. Architects code'
                Field('profile_pic', 'upload'),
                Field('created_on', 'date' , default= now,
                Field('user_type', requires=IS_IN_SET(user_types)),
                Field('user_status', requires=IS_IN_SET(user_status)),
                Field('user_name', length=128, label='Display Name'),
                Field('password', 'password'),
                Field('password_question', length=128),
                Field('answer', length=128)

--------Error Message---------
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 204, in
restricted    exec ccode in environment
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\applications\Build_Connect\controllers/
default.py", line 998, in <module>
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 172, in <lambda>
self._caller = lambda f: f()
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\applications\Build_Connect\controllers/
default.py", line 86, in syslogin    form = crud.create(db.reguser)
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 3126, in create
 File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 3069, in update
detect_record_change = self.settings.detect_record_change):
 File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 1267, in accepts
self.vars.id = self.table.insert(**fields)
 File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 5597, in insert    return
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 914, in insert    raise
eIntegrityError: column email is not unique
How can I cache images that I have added for users who have added
I have a web page where I have users comment over my posts. These
users have id's defined and photos specified, how can I prevent
loading one image at a time?

How to restrict upload of files (any files including images) to say
512 kb or any size there of?

Regards, Rahul (www.flockbird.com)

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