
sounds like a fun...and possibly complex problem.  some thoughts:
 - web2py could be made to work well for you
 - because web2py is easy to install and run on a laptop (i do all my
development work on local web2py installs on a laptop), you could
write everything as a set of web2py apps and just run a local database
when out in the field, then export the data from the event and upload
it to the online database.
 - though a more fun solution in my opinion would be to get all
hosters to have an ipad with cellular and just run it all on the
web....though that costs more to buy a bunch of ipads.
 - read the web2py book:  (and consider buying
the pdf, or contributing a couple of bucks to the project on the homepage).  there is a section on basic python programming
and several good examples to get you started.
 - you may need some more reading on python.  either find things you
like online, or get a physical book. is a
great book.
 - you may want to read up about databases either relational
(postgres, mysql, sqlite) or the google app engine big table to decide
where you want to host, and how to design your tables.

and then build your app.  there are lots of ways to do it.  i like to
figure out requirements first, which it seems like you have a good
start on.  then based on the requirement determine the database layout
- what data needs to be stored and how to design the tables.  then
controllers and views.

one other bit of advice i have is don't spend forever reading a bunch
of stuff.  actually try and build things, i find i remember skills
better that way, and it gives focus to the reading (and sometimes has
me read things out of order, which i think is ok too)

this mailing list is pretty friendly, so feel free to ask when you get
stuck (but as with most mailing the list and docs to
see if your question was answered first)

good luck!


On Jul 24, 7:58 pm, DiscDogNation <> wrote:
> I have a bonafide project that I know ( at least I think I know) that
> Web2py will be perfect for. I AM NOT A PROGRAMMER but I want to learn
> how to program and I think this is the perfect platform for me to get
> my feet wet. PLEASE either point me in the direction of someone who
> wants to teach an idiot like myself how to get this programmed or tell
> me I'm better off just paying someone to do what I need and get rid of
> me …..
> Here is the outline of what I need … I can go in to MUCH more detail
> …
> This project is a 2 part system which consists of a main web site
> (part 1) and a desktop app which can be synched to the webapp (part 2)
> Background – I am a member of the disc dog community and compete
> regularly throughout the year. Although there are basically 4
> different sanctioning organizations there are really only TWO types of
> frisbee catagories at each event no matter which sactioning body they
> are run for … those are Freestyle and Toss and Fetch. The only real
> difference in scoring no matter what sanctioning body the event is for
> is the multiplier for freestyle scores. Toss and fetch scoring may
> differ slightly but the premise is the same and he structure for
> scoring is the same only the points differ from event to event.
> Here's the problem … every club that runs an event has it own scoring
> system and there is really no “standard” for running an event. Some
> have laptops with spreadsheets … some have clipboards and a ton of
> paper which is used at the event then data entry occurs afterwards and
> competitors wait while scores are tabulated and then announced …
> sometimes it takes an hour or more after an event just to find out how
> won.
> Very basic outline of what I think would be the best approach however
> I am open to suggestions on how to proceed.
> The website would be kind of like a social network for disc doggers.
> Once you build a profile you could add dogs to you Kennel. Users could
> then add events for other users to register at and be able to simply
> select dogs from their kennel for different divisions to enter.
> So it would be
>         Profile Management
>                 Kennel Mamagement
>         Event Management
> Other users could browse other competitors profiles and kennels … as
> events are completed stats could be kept on a per dog status and
> people could browse other competitors to see where they thought they
> stood.
> Once an event was created people could register until the close date
> Events should have the ability to let users enter dogs from their own
> kennel OR borrow a dog from someone elses dog with the owners
> permission. STATS should stay with the dog yet have a handler column
> to indicate if another handler was responsible for that event. Dogs
> may compete multiple times with more than one handler at an event.
> PART 2
> I envision this to be a standalone app which has the ability to either
> synch or be exported for import to the PART 1 app. This is because not
> everyone has internet connectivity at an event but can synch up either
> afterwards of periodically during the event. It works like this
> Once registration closes on the web app the creator of the event can
> download ALL pre registered competitors and run reports accordingly.
> Pre registration competitors would bee printed out for each dog and on
> event day competitors could come up and sign their pre reg forms
> confirming their attendance and paying their competition fees at that
> time. This should speed registration times on the morning of an event
> and also confirm exactly WHO is in attendance. In addidtion one data
> entry individual can go through and confirm all info input in pre reg
> is correct. (dog is I the correct division and with the correct
> handler)
> Once onsite registration closes and data entry audits have been
> confirmed a Roster for each division can be created and running orders
> can be posted. As a side note if this is available via local LAN and
> competitors can log on via cell phones or laptops this would greatly
> aid in event management and communication by less traffic at the booth
> trying to see who is where and when.
> Once the event begins the application could help the MC ( or DJ
> announcer) in that they could have a running view of who is up next,
> on deck, in the hole. In addition since the basis of the app was drawn
> from the website additional information about the competitors would be
> available such as past stats and any other profile data the competitor
> shared through he website.
> As the competition progresses the registration sheets signed at the
> beginning of the day are used to input scores manually by judges on
> the field then handed back to data entry indiviuals who can update as
> the event occurs. This would update scores and standings LIVE as they
> occur either locally or globally as connections allow. This would also
> facilitate a post event report which could be run as an audit so that
> scores input could be checked against scores written and verified
> before winners announced and medals awarded.
> Once the competition is compete the entire packet could be synched
> back to the website for proscessing allowing for an event page to have
> all competitors placements posted for all divisions and also all dogs
> stats synched with their individual accounts
> That may seem like a lot ... but I have more ... here's the deal. I
> want to learn how to do this myself.
> Don't know what I can do in return  .... but ask and if I can I will
> :)
> Chris Engel (

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