Found the solution.

Apparently it is extremely important for the default auth() login page
that the redirect go to said app/default/login page. I had sent it
somewhere else and this seems to be the problem.

On Dec 10, 12:23 am, RyaneD <> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> Thanks for the help on my earlier problems. I am happy to say I am up
> and hosted.
> I am currently attempting to run my login through janrain. I
> uncommented the scaffolding section and I am pleased to announce that
> apparently Janrain is working. The login button shows a page with the
> facebook login i have configured. Click on that, it asks for the
> facebook app to work, then redirects to the page as requested.
> The error is that it doesn't seem to actually log-in, or rather it
> doesn't add the new user to the auth_user database.
> I have attempted creating a new app and redoing the janrain process to
> test and I have the same result.
> I then went to the and tested their token generation, and
> the response seems to be working as expected.
> Any ideas?

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